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The sun's gravity has a number of effects on the planets. Primarily, the sun's gravity is what sets the orbits of the 9 planets. With one revolution around the sun equaling a solar year (365.25 days on earth). Planets closer to the sun orbit the sun at higher speeds due the sun's gravity being stronger at short distances (Gravity decreases exponentially as distance increases from an object)

The sun's gravity also has major tidal effects on the planets. High and low tides cycles on earth are partially a function of differences in the sun's gravity on different portions of the earth. The sun's gravity pulls slightly more on the side of the earth facing the sun, causing fluids to bulge toward that side resulting in a high tide cycle. On Mercury, where the sun's gravity is much stronger, tidal forces are powerful enough to alter solid rock and effect the planets landscape.

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Q: What is the effects of the suns gravity on the planets?
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The planets are kept in orbit by the Suns gravity.

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the gravititonal pull does; it is what keeps all the planet in the suns orbit xx

How does the suns gravity influences planets?

however in the hell that it does itIt keeps us in orbit of the sun.

What type of force keeps the sun and planets in there places?

the suns gravitational pull pulls them toward it but the planets try to escape its gravity

How does gravity effects the planets?

I makes the planet spheical in shape.

How gravity effects the planets?

I makes the planet spheical in shape.

What affect does gravity have on the planets?

The planets' own gravity has made them spherical. Also there are other effects such as their ability to retain an atmosphere, etc. The Sun's gravitycauses the orbits of the planets.

Did Kepler say that it was the pull of the suns gravity that kept the planets in orbit?

No. Kepler proposed that some force kept the planets in orbit, but did not know or say what that force was. It was Isaac Newton who figured out that this force is gravity.