"Lightyear" is a noun. It is a unit of distance used to measure interstellar space.
One lightyear is the distance that light travels in one year, which is about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).
The distance between stars is typically measured in light years, which represents the distance that light can travel in one year. This unit is used because distances in space are vast and need a large unit of measurement.
Buzz's full name is Buzz Lightyear.
Astronomers primarily use units such as light years, parsecs, and astronomical units to measure distances in space. Light years represent the distance light travels in one year, parsecs are used to measure large distances between stars and galaxies, and astronomical units are used to measure distances within our solar system, based on the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.
A lightyear is a much larger distance.
A lightyear is a unit of distance, not time. It represents the distance that light can travel in one year, which is about 5.88 trillion miles.
"Lightyear" is a noun. It is a unit of distance used to measure interstellar space.
Because the definition of a lightyear is: how long light can travel in a year. Hope this helped;)
Lightyear isn't about time, it's distance. One lightyear is ten trillion kilometers.
buzz lightyear (FTW!)
The square root of a lightyear is not a valid mathematical operation because a lightyear is a unit of distance, not a number. It represents the distance that light travels in one year, which is about 9.46 trillion kilometers.
One lightyear is the distance that light travels in one year, which is about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).
A lightyear is a unit of distance and is equivalent to about 9.46 trillion kilometers (5.88 trillion miles). It is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.
One lightyear is equivalent to 9.461 trillion kilometers. To find the distance in kilometers per hour, you would need to divide this by the number of hours in a year (8,760 hours). This would give you approximately 1,080,815,900 kilometers in one lightyear per hour.
Buzz Lightyear