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Magnitude - sheer size.
A quark is tiny - it takes 3 to make a single proton.
A quasar is a "quasi star" and is actually an entire galaxy with its core on fire
(not actual fire with flames, but in the act of constantly blowing up).

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Q: What is the difference between a quark and a quasar?
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Science words that starte with a q?

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Why would astronomers be interested in the difference between a black hole and a quasar?

They are separate phenomenon and different principals are in action.

Is down quark heavier than up quark because neutron is heavier than proton?

Yes, the down quark is slightly heavier than the up quark. However, the difference in mass between a neutron and a proton is not solely due to the difference between the down and up quarks. Other factors, such as binding energy and contributions from virtual particles, also play a role in the mass difference between the two particles.

What is the difference between cottage cheese and quark?

quark is made from buttermilk. cottage cheese is made from milk. .

What are some science words that begin with the letters q?

There are three scientific words that actually starts with Q. Quantum, Quantum Mechanics and Quark. Quantum is defined as portion, Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies about the behavior of atom and Quark is a set of six elementary particles that have electric charges.

What is is the Relationship between quark and subatomic particle?

A quark is a kind of subatomic particle, and 3 quarks makes up another subatomic particle (a baryon). A quark and an anti-quark make up another kind of sub-atomic particle, (a meson).

Is Quasar 247 a true quasar?

It is not.

The difference in mass between protons and neutrons is generally regarded as?

The difference in mass between protons and neutrons is very small, with protons being slightly lighter than neutrons. This mass difference is due to the composition of protons and neutrons, where protons are made up of two up quarks and one down quark, while neutrons consist of two down quarks and one up quark.

When was Quasar Padamsee born?

Quasar Padamsee was born in 1978.

When was Twin Quasar created?

Twin Quasar was created in 1979.

What is evidence that a quasar is distant?

a large redshift in the spectrum of the quasar.

What is the correct spelling for a quasar?

it depends on how you're using it. quasar sounds correct if it's a thing