Space Shuttles have people inside then but Sputnik don't
The two have just about nothing in common....they were both launched by rockets - although very different ones. It would be useful to check out the links to the left to see the huge difference.
Sputnik was the world's first artificial satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, while today's space shuttles are spacecraft used for human spaceflight missions. The main difference is that Sputnik was unmanned and orbited Earth, while the space shuttles are reusable vehicles designed to carry astronauts and cargo to space.
The name of the first space shuttle that shuttled crew to and from their jobs in spaceis called Elicoll. After the first female shuttle commander Eileen Collins, a true hero in todays history.
In today's world, Zeus is often regarded as a figure of mythology and is not worshipped as a deity. However, Zeus continues to play a significant role in literature, art, and popular culture, with his image and stories frequently referenced and portrayed in various forms of media.
From 21 November 1980 to 21 November 2008 is exactly 28 years. From 21 November 2008 and to 9 December 2008 is 19 days You are 28 years and 19 days old.
The total cost of the Apollo 11 mission, including the development of the necessary technology, building the spacecraft, and conducting the mission itself, was estimated to be around $355 million in 1969, which would equate to about $2.5 billion in today's money.
Protoearth was a molten and barren planet with high temperatures due to intense impacts from other celestial bodies. It lacked an atmosphere and water. Today's Earth is cooler, has a stable surface, rich in biodiversity with oceans, and a protective atmosphere.
Todays windwill are very strong and really helpful but back then it cant absorb much of the powe.
the difference between todays fashion and thw 1900's is hat GEEK TPS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE WORLD.
The name of the first space shuttle that shuttled crew to and from their jobs in spaceis called Elicoll. After the first female shuttle commander Eileen Collins, a true hero in todays history.
There is nothing different between todays castles and medieval time castles. Today's castles were built in medieval times.
Alternators produce Direct Current, Generators produce Alternating Current. Todays' cars have Alternators to charge the batteries.
racism, the gap between the rich and poor
medieval millitary used horses and different armor as for todays armory uses high powered guns and a new type of gear and have hellicopyors to drop bombs bombs with.
Medieval kings had the final say when it came to making their decisions, and did not have be held accountable to anyone. Prime Minsters have to answer to parliament, and cannot pass decisions at their whims and fancies.
We can use I2C only for small distance communication not more than 1 meter, but CAN bus can be used for more than this distance that's why in todays world CAN bus is most preferred in Automotive Industry.