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the bouncing back of light of light is called reflection

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Q: What is the depth of view?
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Use the word stereoscopic in a sentence?

The stereoscopic images in the movie gave viewers a sense of depth and immersion, creating a more realistic and engaging experience.

How would changing the objective lenses affect what is seen through the microscope?

Changing the objective lenses on a microscope would affect the level of magnification and resolution of the images seen. Higher magnification lenses would allow for a closer view of smaller details, but may reduce the field of view and depth of field. Lower magnification lenses would provide a wider field of view but with less magnification of finer details.

How do you use periscope in a sentence?

Periscopes allow a submarine, when submerged at a shallow depth, to search visually for nearby targets and threats on the surface of the water and in the air. When not in use, a submarine's periscope retracts into the hull.

Why it is necessary to be able to focus on different depths on the microscope?

Being able to focus on different depths on a microscope allows you to view different layers and structures within a specimen. This is important for obtaining detailed and clear images, especially when examining complex samples. It helps to visualize and understand the three-dimensional structure of the specimen.

The visual cliff is used primarily to test infant?

depth perception. The visual cliff is an apparatus that presents an apparent drop-off to test whether infants can perceive depth and distinguish between safe and unsafe areas. Infants who refuse to cross or show signs of hesitation may indicate developed depth perception skills.

Related questions

What is the definition of 2D and 3D view?

A two dimensional view has no depth. A three dimensional view is seen with special glasses and has depth when viewed.

What effect does an increase in magnification have on field of view depth of field and working distance?

An increase in magnification decreases the field of view, reduces the depth of field, and shortens the working distance. This is because higher magnification focuses on a smaller area with increased detail, leading to a narrower view, shallower depth of focus, and closer working distance.

What is the difference between the field of view and the depth of field?

The field of view is the area visible through a camera lens or microscope at any given moment, while the depth of field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp in an image. Field of view relates to how much you can see in a scene, while depth of field relates to how much of that scene is in focus.

What is the monocular depth cue in which an object blocking another object is perceived as closer?

The monocular depth cue you are referring to is called "interposition." When an object partially obscures another object in view, our brain interprets the closer object as blocking the view of the object behind it, resulting in the perception of depth and distance between the two objects.

What does pictorialism mean?

When an objects depth, width and height is shown in one drawing or in one view.

What is orthographic viewing?

That is a two dimensional view of a three dimensional object, seen from one side at a time as if you are looking perpendicularly to is. Depth is not shown

What are the changes you can see from lower to higher magnification?

You can see more in-depth and your view is much more zoomed in.

Is the depth of field on a dissecting microscope less than the depth of field on a compound microscope?

Yes, the depth of field on a dissecting microscope is greater than on a compound microscope. This is because the dissecting microscope has lower magnification, allowing for a wider field of view and greater depth perception.

How do you say the word ninja in Chinese?

I believe it is pronounced "Shinobi". View the related links for more in-depth information.

What is the depth of the deepest diamond mine?

A mine in Mirny, Siberia claims online to be the largest, deepest diamond mine, to a depth of more than 500 meters. You can read more about it, and view images, below.

What is the definition of depth constancy?

Depth constancy refers to the ability of our visual system to perceive objects as maintaining a consistent depth regardless of changes in the viewing angle or distance. This phenomenon allows us to perceive objects with the correct depth relationships even as they move relative to our point of view.

What apparatus is used to demonstrate depth perception?

A stereoscope is commonly used to demonstrate depth perception. It presents two slightly different images to each eye, simulating how each eye sees a slightly different view of an object. This helps the brain perceive depth and three-dimensional space.