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  1. an instrument with a graduated arc of 60° and a sighting mechanism, used for measuring the angular distances between objects and especially for taking altitudes in navigation.
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Q: What is the definition for sextant?
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What is the purpose of the horizon shades on a sextant?

The horizon shades on a sextant are used to block out excess light from the sun or other bright sources on the horizon, making it easier to take accurate measurements of celestial objects such as stars or planets. They help to reduce glare and improve visibility when using the sextant for navigation or celestial observations.

Who built the sextant?

The sextant was developed independently by multiple inventors in the late 18th century, including John Hadley and Thomas Godfrey. It is unclear who specifically should be credited with its invention, as the device was refined over time by various individuals.

How do you use a false horizon with a sextant?

To use a false horizon with a sextant, you would need to create an artificial horizon with a still reflecting surface, such as oil in a pan or a small pool of water. You would then line up the celestial body you are measuring with its reflection on the artificial horizon, allowing you to take an accurate sextant reading. This method is useful when the true horizon is obscured or not visible.

Where was the sextant invented?

The sextant was invented in England in the early 18th century, with its design being attributed to John Hadley and Thomas Godfrey independently. The device quickly became a crucial tool for navigation at sea due to its accuracy in measuring angles between celestial objects.

What invention allowed sailors do plot their positions at sea by looking at the stars?

The SEXTANT. This instrument will give the latitude of a ship. However, because of solar movements a CLOCK(Time piece) is needed to determine the longitude(meridian). So the two inventions are ; - The Sextant, and the Clock .