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The coolest star is red; then yellow; then blue. Like on a fire, the bottom of the fire is really hot so its blue. In the middle of a fire, its mostly yellow. Then, on top, it has a little flame of red. :p

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Ambrose Krajcik

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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Q: What is the coolest star color to the hottest?
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What is the color of a cool temperature star?

Red is the coolest star and blue is the hottest.

What is the hottest star from hottest to coolest?

I don’t know

What are the hottest to coolest stars color?

The hottest is blue-white and the coolest is dark red.

What color star is hotter a red star of a blue star?

A blue star is hotter than a red star. Blue stars have higher surface temperatures, typically exceeding 10,000 Kelvin, while red stars have lower surface temperatures, usually below 4,000 Kelvin. The color of a star is an indication of its temperature, with blue stars being the hottest and red stars being the coolest.

What color are the hottest stars medium temperature stars like the sun coolest stars?

The sun is a G class star and (from space) its pale yellow.

How are color and temperature relateted?

Blue = Hottest Red = Coolest.

What color are coolest star?


What is polaris hottest or coolest?

It is neither hottest nor coolest.

What color of the massive star?

Massive stars can appear in a range of colors depending on their surface temperature. They can range from blue (hottest) to white, yellow, orange, and red (coolest). The color of a massive star can provide clues about its temperature and stage of life.

What do the different colors of the star mean?

The color of a star indicates its temperature. Blue or white stars are the hottest and smallest. Red or orange stars are the coolest and largest. Stars like our sun with a yellow color are medium in both size and temperature. Generally, the smaller a star is the hotter it is.

What do you learn by studying a star's color?

White Stars=hottest Blue Stars=next on the scale Yellow=after blue orange=before red red=coolest The Sun is Orange i think

Is the hottest star the red star?

Ironically the blue stars are the hottest considering blue is usually a "cool" color.