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Cause- The german soldiers went in and look in Annemarie's room. Effect- Annemarie had pulled Ellen's neckalace off

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Nazier Jones

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4y ago

the cause and effect of this book is the jews and the natzi the jews have to protect the jews and danish from the natzis tormenting them

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vnfgfbvxsdfhrydtjmfmhgfdcfgthy dtrgfsd

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Q: What is the cause and effect of number the stars?
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One way to increase the number of stars in a galaxy is for the two galaxies to collide.

What are two mechanisms that cause the number of stars in the galaxy to increase?

One way to increase the number of stars in a galaxy is for the two galaxies to collide.

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The brighter the Moon (closer to full) the fewer stars that can be seen due to the Moon 'blinding' observers.

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it will effect the eggs

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Sea stars were never "eliminated" as they can be found in the worlds oceans still plenty living

Why would eliminating sea stars cause the number of species to decrease?

There are 1,500 species sea eliminating them would decrease the number of species by 1,500. Any species that rely on sea stars for food will be adversely affected as well.

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I like them both! I like the giants cause im from around Belfast and the Stars cause i seen one of there games and number 20 lee mitchell is so hott!!!!!!!!!!

What cause changes in the light coming from distant stars and galaxies?

The apparent redshift is caused by the Doppler Effect; the frequency of waves is increased by an approaching source and decreased by a leaving source. Since the fgrequencies we see from stars are slightly lower than they should be, we know that the stars and other objects are moving away. The Doppler Effect causes changes of light emanating from distant stars and galaxies.

What are the difference in cause and effect?

the different between cause and effect.... cause=what cause the problem or what cause it to become a problem effect=what effect did it have on it hope that help u(:

Do stars have a effect on humans?

They do not have effect on humans whatso ever.

Is number of the stars a novel?

No, but "Number the Stars" is a novel.

A cause and effect essay is best defined as?

an essay that explains a cause and effect process.