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284 kg

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The largest single piece of gold ever found is the "Welcome Stranger" nugget, discovered in Australia in 1869. It weighed 2,520 troy ounces (78 kilograms) and measured approximately 24 inches in length.

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Q: What is the biggest piece of gold found?
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Biggest piece of gold found in Spartanburg SC?

100,000 tons

Who found the worlds biggest piece of gold?

294.10 Troy Ounces found in 1998 in Alaska by Barry Clay. Richard L. Burton III

What is a piece of gold called?

When found 'native' it is a gold nuggett When provessed into a shape and purified it is an ingot.

What type of blood is found in a piece of pure gold?

No blood is found in gold... gold is a metal... metals don't bleed.

What is the name for the biggest gold nugget found?

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What does the initials KP mean on gold?

The initials K.P. when found on a piece of gold jewelry indicate that the piece of jewelry is not one hundred percent gold, but only plated with gold. K.P. stands for "karat plate."

What was the name of the piece of gold Edward Hargreaves found?

The gold Hargraves found (which was actually found by John Lister) was not named. It was just a few specks of payable gold, large enough to gain the attention of the government.

What does 800 stamped on a piece of jewelry mean?

It depends solely on the piece- 800 could be 800/1000 silver or 800/1000 gold- If the piece is silver, it's likely an older European piece.. If the piece is gold it's likely French 19k gold (EXTREMELY uncommon, but still can be found today.)

How big is the worlds biggest chicken nugget?

The biggest gold nugget was found in Australia in 1869 and weighed 78 kg

What people said they found the first piece of gold?

James Marshall and John Sutter.