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Q: What is the abstract noun of being under a cloud?
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The noun childhood is a singular, common, abstract, compound noun; a word for the time of being a child.

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one word reply for, what is the abstract noun of feeling of being pleased?

What is the abstract noun for absence?

The word 'absence' is an abstract noun, a word for the state of being away or the period of being away.

Is wildness an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'wildness' is an abstract noun; a word for a quality or a state of being.

Is wellness an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'wellness' is an abstract noun, a word for a state of being, a word for a concept.

What is the abstract for amazed?

The abstract noun may be amazement (something felt) or amazedness. There is no abstract noun for the quality of being amazing.

What is the abstract noun for amazed?

The abstract noun may be amazement (something felt) or amazedness. There is no abstract noun for the quality of being amazing.

How do you change Low into an abstract noun?

The abstract noun is lowness (state of being low or vile).

Is reverie an abstract noun?

Yes, reverie is an abstract noun. It refers to a state of being lost in one's thoughts or daydreams.

Is clouds an abstract noun?

No, the noun clouds, the plural form for a cloud, is a concrete noun. A cloud is the vapor of a liquid or smoke, both of which can be seen, touched, or smelled; a physical thing.

What is the abstract noun for predominance?

The word 'predominance' is an abstract noun; a word for a power of authority or a state of being.

What is abstract noun of Self?

The abstract noun of "self" is "selfhood," which refers to the quality or state of being oneself.