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The planet of the Timelords is called Gallifrey. It was destroyed in the Great Time War.

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The Timelord planet in Doctor Who is called Gallifrey.

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Who is the Master on Doctor Who?

the master is an "evil timelord" who was a childhood friend and fellow trainee of the Doctor

Who was the 1st women lady doctor?

There hasn't been one. Well Donna was part timelord and so she could count but she isn't a full timelord

Does a Timelord really exist?

The concept of a Timelord is a fictional character from the British TV show Doctor Who. In reality, Timelords do not exist.

What do you call a female timelord?

well I'm not sure really but I do know that in the episode, The Doctor's Daughter, he called her a timeLord. false it is realy called a reni but they are both same raceIn the classic series, I believe Adric called Romana a "Time Lady" in the episode "State of Decay". I might be mistaken, as it has been a while.

Who was Doctor Who?

Doctor Who (known as the Doctor) is a timelord from the planet of Gallerfray which had two of everything including two hearts, the Daleks are their greatest enemy and invaded Gallerfray, destroying it. The Daleks creator is called Davros.The Doctor is the last time lord left now he travels in his TARDIS (time and relative dimensions in space). He always has a companion. Another well known enemy is the Master, another Timelord. Whenever he poses as a human, he uses the name "John Smith" and the most famous gadget owned by him is perhaps the sonic screwdriver, a device with the ability to open or close locked doors and much more. A Timelord has a long lifespan; instead of dying they can regenerate, which means they take on a new form. I think there have been ten so far, the most current being David Tennant. It is rumoured that a Timelord can only regenerate 13 times - is the end near? For more info, Wikipedia it.

Who was the female timelord in the doctor who episode end of time part 2?

According to Russell T Davis she was the Doctor's mother, but he deliberately left it vague.

Why does the doctor cry over the master's death?

Seconds before this event, The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) says that now The Master aka Harry Saxon (John Simm) will be imprisoned with him and he will stop wondering as he has some one to care for. Just after he ends that sentence Lucy Saxon, Harry's wife (Alexandra Moen) shoots Harry. As The Doctor catches him when he falls, he tells him it's just a bullet. The Doctor begs him to regenerate, but he refuses and tells him he's won. The Doctor is once again the last of the Time Lords and that is why he was upset. - Or is he the last of the Timelords again? After The Master was cremated, his ring survived. The ring bares the same patterned markings as the Timelord fobwatch in which Timelords hide their identities. Also - you may remember the "Doctor's Daughter". A female clone of the Doctor. She regenerated just as Timelords do when they are killed. There's also "Doctor Donna". Technically Donna Noble is a Timelord now. She just doesn't know it because the Doctor reversed her memories. On top of all of that, there's a "copy" half-human, half-Timelord Doctor that the real Doctor lets Rose Tyler keep in the alternate dimension. There is also the mystery of Captain Jack Harkness, an ordinary human with Timelord abilities - or is he really a Timelord? In one episode he tells the Doctor that he is known as "Bo" on another planet. The "Face of Bo" has always been one of the Doctors allies in the future. And then there is Gallifrey, which still seems to exist after the events of the 50th Anniversary. So the Doctor is not alone at all. Which the Doctor did not know at the time of his last meeting with The Master.

Why does the doctor cry over the masters death?

Seconds before this event, The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) says that now The Master aka Harry Saxon (John Simm) will be imprisoned with him and he will stop wondering as he has some one to care for. Just after he ends that sentence Lucy Saxon, Harry's wife (Alexandra Moen) shoots Harry. As The Doctor catches him when he falls, he tells him it's just a bullet. The Doctor begs him to regenerate, but he refuses and tells him he's won. The Doctor is once again the last of the Time Lords and that is why he was upset. - Or is he the last of the Timelords again? After The Master was cremated, his ring survived. The ring bares the same patterned markings as the Timelord fobwatch in which Timelords hide their identities. Also - you may remember the "Doctor's Daughter". A female clone of the Doctor. She regenerated just as Timelords do when they are killed. There's also "Doctor Donna". Technically Donna Noble is a Timelord now. She just doesn't know it because the Doctor reversed her memories. On top of all of that, there's a "copy" half-human, half-Timelord Doctor that the real Doctor lets Rose Tyler keep in the alternate dimension. There is also the mystery of Captain Jack Harkness, an ordinary human with Timelord abilities - or is he really a Timelord? In one episode he tells the Doctor that he is known as "Bo" on another planet. The "Face of Bo" has always been one of the Doctors allies in the future. And then there is Gallifrey, which still seems to exist after the events of the 50th Anniversary. So the Doctor is not alone at all. Which the Doctor did not know at the time of his last meeting with The Master.

Why does Doctor Who cry over The Master's death?

Seconds before this event, The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) says that now The Master aka Harry Saxon (John Simm) will be imprisoned with him and he will stop wondering as he has some one to care for. Just after he ends that sentence Lucy Saxon, Harry's wife (Alexandra Moen) shoots Harry. As The Doctor catches him when he falls, he tells him it's just a bullet. The Doctor begs him to regenerate, but he refuses and tells him he's won. The Doctor is once again the last of the Time Lords and that is why he was upset. - Or is he the last of the Timelords again? After The Master was cremated, his ring survived. The ring bares the same patterned markings as the Timelord fobwatch in which Timelords hide their identities. Also - you may remember the "Doctor's Daughter". A female clone of the Doctor. She regenerated just as Timelords do when they are killed. There's also "Doctor Donna". Technically Donna Noble is a Timelord now. She just doesn't know it because the Doctor reversed her memories. On top of all of that, there's a "copy" half-human, half-Timelord Doctor that the real Doctor lets Rose Tyler keep in the alternate dimension. There is also the mystery of Captain Jack Harkness, an ordinary human with Timelord abilities - or is he really a Timelord? In one episode he tells the Doctor that he is known as "Bo" on another planet. The "Face of Bo" has always been one of the Doctors allies in the future. And then there is Gallifrey, which still seems to exist after the events of the 50th Anniversary. So the Doctor is not alone at all. Which the Doctor did not know at the time of his last meeting with The Master.

What does The Doctor name his daughter on Doctor Who?

The Doctor names his daughter "Jenny." Jenny was created by an extraction of the 10th Doctor's DNA, from tissue in his hand. Jenny has the ability to regenerate just as the Timelord race. This means she has The Doctor's abilities.

Why is the doctor 907 years old?

Whoever asked that?! He is 907 years old Because he is very old, and hes a timelord.

In Doctor Who who is the meddling monk?

The Meddling Monk is a fellow timelord. He was mostly involved with the 1st incarnation of the Doctor. His TARDIS is a stolen Mark IV and has a functioning Chameleon Circuit, which is what makes the TARDIS blend in.