The Hindi translation of the word "universe" is "ब्रह्मांड" (Brahmand).
Cosmos, in astronomy, the entire physical universe considered as a unified whole (from the Greek kosmos, meaning “order,” “harmony,” and “the world”). Generally speaking, we use the word universe to mean the entire physical universe; a synonym is cosmos.
cosmos - meaning in HindiPronunciation of COSMOSकाज़्मस / काज़्मोस Meanings of COSMOS[Show Transliteration] nounविश्वजगत (m)ब्रह्माण्ड (m)विश्व (m)विश्व-व्यवस्थाकायनात (f)Inflected formscosmos, cosmoses (noun plural) Definitions of COSMOSCOSMOS - nouneverything that exists anywhere Example- the biggest tree in existenceany of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genus Cosmos having radiate heads of variously colored flowers and pinnate leaves; popular fall-blooming annuals
A real star, shining out there in the cosmos for light years to come.
That cosmos is amazing! This is a sentence with the word cosmos in it!
No. 'Cosmos' is another word for 'universe'. The cosmos contain millions of galaxies.
"Cosmos" is from Greek language.
You've spelled it correctly in your question. Good work.
The Hindi word for ant is "चींटी" (chinti).
The Hindi word for April is अप्रैल.
'Kab' is the Hindi word for 'when'.
The Hindi word for mining is "खानन" (khanan).
The Hindi word for 'monkey' is 'बंदर' (bandar).