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The moon is 4x smaller than the earth, causing the moon to cover up completely the sun on a solar eclipse.

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2mo ago

One way in which Earth and the Moon contrast is in their size. Earth is significantly larger than the Moon, both in terms of diameter and mass. This size contrast is also reflected in their gravitational forces and atmospheres.

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What is one way in which earth is affected by the moon?

the moon, as it rotates around the earth, creates the tides of the ocean through it's gravitational pull

Why is the moon's lunar cycle longer than it takes the moon to complete one revolution?

its the way the earth is

Why do the moon go around the earth?

It's stuck in the Earth gravitaional pull.Another answer:Because the Earth has a gravitational pull on the moon. Actually, the Earth and moon revolve around each other common center of gravity. Without the Earth in it's way the moon would just head off in a straight line. Instead, as the moon tries to move away, the Earth does two remarkable things. One, it pulls the moon towards Earth, and two, the Earth moves out of the moon's way.

Does it take the moon almost one month to travel all the way around earth?

Yes, our months are based on the movement of the moon around the earth.

Why does the new moon receive sunlight only on the side facing away from earth?

During a new moon, the moon is positioned between the sun and the Earth, so the side of the moon that receives sunlight is facing away from Earth. This is why we see the side of the moon that is not illuminated by sunlight during a new moon phase.

Why does one rotation of the moon equal one orbit of the moon?

The moon orbits the earth in such a way that the same side of the moon is facing towards the earth at all times. A fancy way of describing this is that the moon rotates once when it orbits the earth once. Rocks returned from the Apollo lunar landings are made of the same material as the rocks on earth. Scientists now believethat the moon was created when another object slammed into the earth back when the earth was still very hot and had a much thinner crust. The moon is a combination of the earth at that timeand the object that hit us. That is why the moon rotates once with evey revolution.

You way 210 pounds on earth how do you way on the moon?

35 pounds on the Moon.

What is one way in witch earth is affected by the moon?

One way in which Earth is affected by the moon is through the gravitational pull it exerts. This gravitational pull causes tides in Earth's oceans, as well as subtle changes in the planet's rotation and axial tilt over time.

Do you way more on earth or on the moon?

You would weigh way less on the moon. For example. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 16.6 pounds on the moon.

Does a thin crescent moon always face the same way?

No, the orientation of the thin crescent moon can vary depending on the time of year and your location on Earth. The angle at which the crescent moon is tilted can change as it moves in its orbit around the Earth.

Which way does the moon revolve?

The moon revolves around the Earth in a counterclockwise direction. This motion is called orbital motion, and it takes about 27.3 days for the moon to complete one orbit around the Earth.

What would happen if the earth orbited the sun exactly the same way as the moon orbited the earth?

allways one half of earth only will get sunlight