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There are several things to be careful about when making an observation. One is to not include any interpretations. For instance, you would observe a honeybee making erratic full body motions while on a web; you would interpret this to mean the honeybee is stuck to the web and is trying to detact itself.

Another is to not generalize the observation. For instance, you would observe a sunset to consist of tones of red, orange and yellow; you would generalize this to say all sunsets are red, orange and yellow.

A third is to not project yourself onto the observation. For instance, you would observe three adolescent boys bouncing a Basketball between them and a fourth adolescent boy sitting on a bench off to the side. You would personalize this by saying the three boys are excluding the fourth boy from a game of basketball.

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Q: What is one thing to be careful about when making an observation?
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What is a sentence using the word observation?

Annie was making an observation about beautiful stars in the dark pitched sky. The astronomer was making an observation of one of those stars. The accident victim had no apparent serious injuries, but was placed under observation.

What does it mean to arrive at a conclusion by making an observation?

Arriving at a conclusion by making an observation involves gathering information through direct perception or measurement and using these observations to draw a logical inference or decision. It entails analyzing data, patterns, and details to reach a final judgment or understanding based on what has been seen or experienced.

One reason why landing a spacecraft on the moon takes careful planning is that the moon does what?

One reason why landing a spacecraft on the moon takes careful planning is that the moon move along its own path (its own orbit).One reason why landing a spacecraft on the moon takes careful planning is that the moon always moves along its own orbit.

What was one great thing that Apollo did?

one great thing Apollo did was he invented the medicine

What did Aristotle fail to recognize about the rules of nature for objects on earth?

He failed to recognize that pure logic could not always bring him to correct conclusions. One example of this was his conclusion that one object twice as massive as another object would fall to the ground in half the time. This seemed logical to him and frankly it also seems intuitively reasonable to us today, particularly if we are not in on the truth. This is complicated a little by questions of air resistance and by the shape and density of the objects, but all things being equal careful observation by Galileo proved Aristotle wrong.

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I know the answer..but I only know the one kind of observation and that's QUALITATIVE OBSERVATION..

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It is called making a choice or decision.

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