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One example of artificial light other than a lightbulb is a fluorescent tube. Fluorescent tubes produce light by passing an electric current through Mercury vapor, which emits ultraviolet light that then excites a phosphor coating inside the tube, creating visible light.

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Q: What is one example of artificial light other than a lightbulb?
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Where can you get light from?

Light can be obtained from various sources. One common source is the Sun, which produces natural light. Artificial light can be obtained from light bulbs, lamps, LED lights, or any other device that emits light.

How do you light a light bulb without a light socket?

Take a lightbulb so the bottom touches on end of a battery. Take a wire and touch the battery and the other end to the lightbulb.

How do you make a light come on with a battery?

Have a light with two wires going from it. Attatch either wire to the sides (+,-) of the battery, with the wire's other end going into a lightbulb.

Why do two light bulbs remain lighted when one burns out?

There is still electricity being transmitted to all 3 lightbulbs, but the one that heated up too much or that just broke is not going to be able to collect the transmitted energy, therefore, it's basically like having no lightbulb there at all.

Difference between of natural and artificial sources of light?

The difference between natural and artificial sources of light is that natural sources are produced by the sun while artificial light sources illuminate using energy from other sources and include incandescent bulbs.

What is artificial ligthting?

Fake lighting... anything other than the sun or any un- man made light. eg.lights are artificial

How much energy used in a light bulb every second?

The energy used by a light bulb is typically measured in watts, where 1 watt is equal to 1 joule per second. For example, a 60-watt incandescent light bulb consumes 60 joules of energy every second when it is in operation. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and use less energy per second compared to incandescent bulbs.

Does the earth makes its own light?

No, the Earth does not produce its own light. The light we see on Earth comes from the Sun and other sources such as artificial light sources.

What did Edison invent?

Edison invented the lightbulb,battery and allot of other things wellone of them is the phonograph lightbulb, telegragh, motion pictures, and stuff Well, Thomas Alva Edison invented a lot of things! Here are some: the light bulb, electric light, the photograph, the phonograph, and (I think this is what it's called) the megaphone.

Is fire artificial or natural light?

Fire can be considered a form of natural light because it results from a chemical reaction typically involving the combustion of organic material. Artificial light sources, on the other hand, are typically man-made and include various forms like incandescent bulbs, LED lights, and fluorescent tubes.

What is a source of illumination?

A light bulb is a common source of illumination that emits light when powered. Other sources of illumination include the sun, candles, and LED lights.

Why is it not correct to say that the sun reflects light?

The sun produces light. By definition, something that reflects light does not produce light itself (allowing for exceptions like light reflection off the surface of a lightbulb that isn't turned on, for example).