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Q: What is known as comprehensive explanations of observable events?
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What is the smallest observable particle known in physics?

observable ? i'd say quarks.

What is Scientific explanations?

Explanations must be Consistent. The explanation for one set of phenomena cannot contradict the explanation for other sets of phenomena. If explanations are inconsistent, they must be rectified or abandoned. Explanations must be Testable. Explanations must be examined in laboratories, in nature, in the field or through the study of past events and must be capable of shown to be incorrect. If they are incorrect they must be changed or abandoned. Preferred Explanations should be Elegant (Simple). Explanations that require the invention of the fewest "missing pieces" have the greatest reliability. Explanations cannot include pieces that are either inconsistent with what is already known or that are untestable.

What Scientific explanation?

Explanations must be Consistent. The explanation for one set of phenomena cannot contradict the explanation for other sets of phenomena. If explanations are inconsistent, they must be rectified or abandoned. Explanations must be Testable. Explanations must be examined in laboratories, in nature, in the field or through the study of past events and must be capable of shown to be incorrect. If they are incorrect they must be changed or abandoned. Preferred Explanations should be Elegant (Simple). Explanations that require the invention of the fewest "missing pieces" have the greatest reliability. Explanations cannot include pieces that are either inconsistent with what is already known or that are untestable.

What are organism physical characterist?

A visually observable trait is known as a Phenotype.

How many galaxies are there in your universe?

There are an estimated 1011 (100 billion) galaxies in the observable Universe. It is not known how much bigger the Universe is, compared to the observable part.

What is the most reliable dictionary brand?

Merriam-Webster is a highly trusted and reliable dictionary brand known for its up-to-date definitions, clear explanations, and comprehensive coverage of the English language.

Evidence gathered from publicly observable behavior is known as?

Behavioral evidence.

What is the farthest light has traveled?

The farthest light has traveled is 13.8 billion light years from Earth, which is the observable edge of the observable universe.

Why is little known about the Earth's core?

It's because its structure and behavior are not directly observable.

What are two famous Congress members with explanations of why they were famous or what they were known for?

mike hunt

The astronomical list of all observable stars is known as a?

The astronomical list of all observable stars is known as a star catalog or star catalogue. This catalog typically includes information such as the star's position in the sky, brightness, and spectral type.

How large is the known universe?

The observable Universe has a diameter estimated at 93 billion light-years.