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Q: What is it called when a group of water droplets in the air is called?
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What is it called when water in the air cools and forms droplets?

When water in the air cools and forms droplets, it is called condensation. This process occurs when the air reaches its dew point temperature and the water vapor in the air turns into liquid water droplets.

What are floating water droplets called?

Floating water droplets are called mist or spray. They are tiny droplets of water suspended in the air.

What is the process called where warm air is called and tiny droplets of water are formed?

The process is called condensation. It occurs when warm air cools down, causing water vapor in the air to change into liquid water droplets.

What is it called when you breathe onto a cold window and water droplets appear?

It is called condensation. When warm, moist air hits a cold surface like a window, the air cools down, causing the water vapor in the air to condense and form droplets on the surface.

What is the water droplets on the side of the glass called?

Water droplets on the side of a glass are called condensation. This occurs when warm, moist air comes in contact with a cold surface, causing the moisture in the air to cool and form droplets on the surface of the glass.

What do you call droplets of water in the air?

Droplets of water in the air are called mist or fog, depending on their size and density. Mist generally consists of fine droplets, while fog is denser and reduces visibility.

What do you give the name to a large concentration of tiny water droplets?

A large concentration of tiny water droplets suspended in the air is called fog.

What do you call water vapor that has condense into small water droplets near the ground?

Fog is the term used to describe water vapor that has condensed into small water droplets near the ground, reducing visibility.

What is condensed water droplets held suspended in the air?

Condensed water droplets held suspended in the air are known as fog. Fog forms when the air near the ground becomes saturated with water vapor, causing the water vapor to condense into tiny droplets that linger in the air.

What do you call a large concentration of tiny water droplets?

A large concentration of tiny water droplets suspended in the air is called a cloud. Clouds form when water vapor condenses into liquid water droplets around tiny particles in the atmosphere.

What is it called that occurs when when water vapor cools enough to form water droplets?

This process is called condensation. It happens when the temperature of the air decreases to the point where water vapor loses energy and transforms into liquid water droplets.

What is it called when water vapour joins together to form droplets?

When water vapor joins together to form droplets, it is called condensation. This process occurs when the air cools and is no longer able to hold the water vapor in a gaseous form, leading to the formation of liquid droplets.