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Q: What is it called the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production?
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When the sun releases tiny particles due to energy production is is called?

When the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production, it is called ...

When the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production its called?

When the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production, it is called ...

When the sun releases tiny particles due to energy productions it is called?

When the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production, it is called ...

What happens when the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production it is called .?

When the Sun releases tiny particles due to energy production, it is called solar wind. These particles consist of protons and electrons that are released into space from the Sun's outer atmosphere, known as the corona. The solar wind can affect Earth's magnetic field and create phenomena like auroras.

What Nuclear fusion releases energy in the for of?

Nuclear fusion releases energy in the form of high-energy light particles called photons, as well as fast-moving charged particles such as protons and electrons. This energy is produced by the conversion of mass into energy according to Einstein's equation, E=mc^2.

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The constant outward release of tiny particles caused by a star's energy production is called .?

stellar wind

The constant outward release of tiny particles caused by a star's energy production is called?

stellar wind

What is the decay that releases only energy no particles called?

The decay that releases only energy without any particles is called gamma decay. In this process, an excited atomic nucleus releases excess energy in the form of gamma rays (high-energy photons) to transition to a lower energy state.

What types of energy and matter does the sun release?

The sun releases energy in the form of light and heat through a process called nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. The sun also releases particles such as protons and electrons, collectively known as solar wind.

What happens if the energy of a photon exceeds that necessary for pair production?

If the energy of a photon exceeds the threshold energy for pair production, the excess energy will be carried away by the produced particles as kinetic energy. This additional energy will contribute to the speed at which the particles are created and will increase their momentum.