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Concave and convex mirrors allow greater area of view or detailed examination of smaller areas.

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3mo ago

In concave mirrors, the focal point, focal length, and magnification are important. Concave mirrors can form real or virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the mirror.

In convex mirrors, the field of view and image size are important. Convex mirrors always produce virtual images that are smaller and upright compared to the object.

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How can you distinguish between a plane mirror concave mirror and a convex mirror by merely looking at the mirror?

A plane mirror will reflect an image without any distortion, a concave mirror will reflect an upside-down image that can be magnified or diminished depending on the object's distance, while a convex mirror will reflect a right-side-up image that appears smaller than the object. By observing how an object's reflection appears in the mirror, you can determine its type.

Which mirror is used in solar cooker Concave or convex mirror or concave lens or convex lens?

A concave mirror is used in a solar cooker to concentrate sunlight onto a central point, where the cooking vessel is placed. This focusing of sunlight helps to increase the temperature inside the solar cooker for cooking food.

Which optical instrument uses a large concave mirror a plane mirror and a convex lens to gather light focus and enlarge an image?

Astronomical telescopes use a large concave mirror, a plane mirror, and a convex lens in their design. The concave mirror gathers light, the plane mirror reflects it to a more convenient viewing location, and the convex lens magnifies and focuses the image for observation.

What mirror is makeup mirror concave convex or plane mirror?

A makeup mirror is typically a convex mirror. Convex mirrors curve outwards and have a reflective surface that bulges outward, allowing for a wider field of view and making objects appear smaller and brighter. This type of mirror is commonly used in makeup mirrors to provide a magnified reflection for easier application of makeup.

Why concave mirror is used in search lights?

The concave shape focuses the light into a narrow beam. If the mirror was convex, the light would be spread out - useless for searching into any distance.

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What are the types of lenses and mirrors?

Lenses: converging (convex) and diverging (concave) Mirrors: concave and convex

Is a searching light mirror concave or convex?


Is a torch mirror concave or convex?

it is a convex mirror as it produces diverging waves

What are the types of curving mirror?

concave and convex mirror

Can a concave mirror act as a convex mirror?

No, a concave mirror and a convex mirror have different curvatures and focal points. A concave mirror reflects light inward, converging it to a focal point, while a convex mirror reflects light outward, diverging it. They cannot interchange their functions.

Is a convex lens more like a convex mirror or a concave mirror in the way it produces images?

A convex lens is more like a concave mirror in the way it produces images. A convex lens converges light rays to form real or virtual images, much like how a concave mirror can do the same by reflecting light. Both convex lenses and concave mirrors can produce both real and virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the lens or mirror.

A mirror that curves inwards?

Such a mirror is concave.

Is a diverging mirror always concave?

a diverging mirror is a convex mirror.

Application for concave mirror and convex mirror?

Concave mirrors are used in telescopes. Convex mirrors are used as side-view mirrors in cars.

Can a convex mirror act as concave mirror?

If this mirror is reflective on both sides, then it can be both concave and convex. Otherwise, the two cannot act like one another.