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When a bill or bills are damaged during printing, the Treasury prints new bills to replace the damaged ones. The new notes are technically called Replacement Notes but in practice they're called Star Notes because a star is positioned at the beginning or end of the serial number, replacing one of the letters.

Because serial numbers are added to bills mechanically it's impractical to reprint the replacements with exactly the same serial numbers as the damaged ones. Instead, the number of damaged notes is counted and when enough have been identified, an equal quantity of replacement notes are printed in a separate run with their own set of serial numbers. These bills all have a leading or trailing star to indicate that they're replacements and not originals.

Because "star notes" are uncommon many collectors will pay a premium for them. The amount varies with the bill's denomination and condition. A worn $1 star note may only bring 25¢ to $1 extra, but an uncirculated $100 star note could sell for significantly more than its face value.

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2mo ago

A star in a serial number on US paper money indicates that the bill is a replacement note. Replacement notes are used to replace bills that were misprinted or damaged during production. These notes have serial numbers that include a star to denote their special status.

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Q: What is does a star in a serial number mean on US paper money?
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