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"Said" in awe might be "breathed" or "whispered".

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Q: What is a synonym for said that means to say something in awe?
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It is "To Instill Awe". And it means to amaze someone with awesome ability, like walking on water or something like that.

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it helps us to see God's presence and love filling all creation. Wonder as a noun means something that causes feelings great admiration, amazement or surprise (All the wonders of nature; It's a wonder they don't break). Wonder as a verb means to want to know something (I wonder whether the moon will rise soon?) or to be amazed at (They stared in wonder at the lightning). Awe as a noun means a great feeling of admiration or wonder (They looked in awe at the sunrise). Awe as a verb means to inspire awe (The singers awed the audience by their performance).

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Awesome is its full form. To "be in awe" means to be aware of something awesome.

What is a synonym for awe?

wonder, fear, respect, reverence, horror, terror, dread, admiration

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i found the blade of awe and i talked to Valencia but she did not got me the blade of awe she said you have to login out but your stone will still okay.

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