Name: Leo the Lion
Best Season to view: Spring (April)
11 longitude hours, latitude of 15 degrees
Between Gemini and Virgo
Brightest star: Regulus which has a magnitude of 1.4. It's color is white-blue and Regulus's temperature is 22,040.33 degrees FAHRENHEIT
God(s): Hercules
Goddess(es): None
Mortal(s): None
Demi-God(s): None
Leo is a constellation - there is not a constellation inside Leo.
The constellation closest to Leo is Cancer. Cancer is located to the west of Leo in the night sky.
Leo minor isn't in a constellation, it is a constellation. Leo minor lies between Ursa Major and Leo. It is bordered by Ursa Major, Lynx, Cancer, and Leo.
Leo the Lion has been the mascot for the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) since 1916. The first time Leo the Lion was seen was in the studio's first feature film, "He Who Gets Slapped," released in 1924.
The star named Regulus can be found in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the constellation and is located at the base of the "sickle" asterism that represents the lion's head.
Leo is a constellation - there is not a constellation inside Leo.
a chain of stars
associated with the Zodiac
Leo is a constellation.
meteor showers
The constellation closest to Leo is Cancer. Cancer is located to the west of Leo in the night sky.
Pollux is the brightest star in Gemini
Leo minor isn't in a constellation, it is a constellation. Leo minor lies between Ursa Major and Leo. It is bordered by Ursa Major, Lynx, Cancer, and Leo.
Regulus is located in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
Some special features of the constellation Pisces would be 1. it contains the spiral galaxy messier 74 2. it contains white dwarfs
Leo is a constellation, that is to say, a direction in the sky. Just as in any other constellation, there are lots of galaxies in this constellation.
Leo is the 12th largest constellation in the night sky.