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The space shuttle does not utilize traditional fuel sources like gasoline, so it does not have a miles per gallon (MPG) rating like a car would. Instead, the space shuttle uses a combination of solid rocket boosters and liquid fuel to reach orbit.

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What are the names of space shuttles being built?

NASA space shuttles

What energy is made from space shuttles?

Space shuttles use energy, not make it

Are the Space Shuttles going to fly again?

It is not expected that the Space Shuttles will fly again.

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Stations are built in space; Shuttles use rocket boosters.

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The question is a little moot, since we don't have space shuttles any more.

How many space shuttles existed in 2011?

4 Space Shuttles existed in 2011. Including the test vehicle, Space Shuttle Enterprise. Space Shuttles that actually went into space? 3. Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

Names of space shuttles first used in 1980?

The space shuttles that were first used in 1980 were Columbia and Challenger. Both space shuttles were part of NASA's Space Shuttle program and conducted various missions until the Challenger disaster in 1986.

Do shuttles use nuclear fuel?

If you mean space shuttles, the answer is no.

How many space shuttles does NASA have?

NASA had a total of five space shuttles: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. These shuttles were in operation from 1981 to 2011.

What is the difference between space rockets and space shuttles?

space shuttles were made to be reusable, rockets were used only once

Where did the space shuttles launch from?

The space shuttles launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.