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The HST is a consumption tax that applies to a wide range of goods and services, and it typically imposes a uniform rate on everyone, regardless of their income level.

The social disadvantage arises because consumption taxes like the HST tend to place a proportionately higher burden on lower-income individuals and families. This is because those with lower incomes spend a larger portion of their earnings on goods and services subject to the tax, whereas higher-income individuals can save or invest more of their income, reducing the percentage of their income that goes towards taxed consumption.

As a result, the HST can contribute to income inequality by disproportionately affecting those who can least afford it. This can exacerbate social and economic disparities by reducing the purchasing power of low-income households and potentially widening the wealth gap in society. To mitigate this disadvantage, policymakers may implement measures such as exemptions, rebates, or targeted credits to lessen the impact of consumption taxes on vulnerable populations.

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