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The heat that mesosphere generates is immense. Mesosphere is a layer in atmospheric region.

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Q: What is a sentence with heat mesosphere?
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What is a sentence for mesosphere?

The mesosphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere between the stratosphere and thermosphere, where temperatures decrease with altitude.

What is the importance of the mesosphere?

It obsorbs the heat of the suns harmful rays.

Why is the mesosphere colder than the troposphere?

The mesosphere is colder than the troposphere because there is very little air in the mesosphere to absorb and retain heat from the sun. Additionally, the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs solar radiation, creating a temperature inversion that results in lower temperatures in the mesosphere.

Which layer of the atmosphere burns up meteroids?

Meteors burn up in the mesosphere as they encounter resistance from air molecules at high speeds, resulting in friction and heat that vaporize the meteoroid.

How is heat transferred in the mesosphere?

Heat in the mesosphere is primarily transferred through a process called adiabatic cooling, which occurs as the air rises and expands due to lower pressure at higher altitudes. Additionally, heat can also be transferred through a small amount of direct radiation from the sun during the day and infrared radiation from the Earth's surface.

Which layer do most meteors disintegrate as they fall closer to earth?

Most meteors disintegrate in the mesosphere as they fall closer to Earth. The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere located above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, and it is where most meteoroids burn up due to the intense heat caused by friction with the air.

Why is the stratosphere warmer than the mesosphere even though the mesosphere is closer to the sun?

The stratosphere is warmer than the mesosphere because it contains the ozone layer, which absorbs and retains heat from the sun. This causes the temperature to increase with altitude in the stratosphere. In contrast, the mesosphere is colder because it is above the ozone layer and lacks significant heat-absorbing molecules.

How do you use mesosphere in a sentence?

The mesosphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. During a meteor shower, meteors burn up in the mesosphere, creating bright streaks of light known as shooting stars.

What is the temperature in the mesosphere inside the Earth?

The temperature in the mesosphere within the Earth is very high, reaching up to 4,000-6,000 degrees Celsius. This high temperature is due to the extreme pressure and heat generated by the Earth's core.

How is the mesosphere heated?

The Mesosphere is the third layer in Earth's Atmosphere. It burns up most, Almost all, Of asteroids and meteors, Preventing them from reaching Earth's surface. Heat rises, so it would eventually get up there. The layer below the Mesosphere is the Stratosphere, which contains the Ozone Layer. The Stratosphere is heated by the Ozone Layer, And the Mesosphere is heated by the Stratosphere. Hope This Helps! :) Fellow 6th Grader

Does mesosphere have ozone?

No. The mesosphere doesn't have ozone.

Where is the mesosphere?

The mesosphere is in space it is the 3rd atmosphere.