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The international space station is the only such place at this time

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Q: What is a man made laboratory orbiting earth?
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Related questions

What is the number of man-made satellites?

about 18,000 man made sattelites are orbiting the earth!

Why moon is only the natural satellite of earth?

Because all other satellites orbiting the earth are man-made.

What do you call human-made objects orbiting earth?

Human-made objects orbiting Earth are called satellites. They are used for various purposes such as communication, weather monitoring, navigation, and scientific research.

What orbiting man made objects in space are powered with solar energy?

What orbiting man made objects in space are powered with solar energy

What is the name of the satellite orbiting earth?

There are several man made satellites that orbit the Earth. The moon is the only satellite that orbits the Earth in a counter-clockwise fashion, from west to east.

What is a satillite called when it orbits the earth?

The definition of a satellite be it man made or natural is, a body that orbits the parent. The earth is a satellite of the sun, the moon is a satellite of the earth ans so are all the man made ones we put in space.

Is berkelium a man made element?

Yes, berkelium is a man-made element that was first synthesized in a laboratory. It is a radioactive element with the atomic number 97 and is not found naturally on Earth.

What is a man made satellite?

A satellite is one object orbiting another, so the moon is a satellite of Earth. A man made satellite is one we have launched in to orbit. The first being Sputnik, launched by the Russians, to thousands orbiting now providing communications for us in this modern era along with entertainment and GPS.

The moon orbiting earth is an example of a what satellite?

A moon is a natural satellite, as opposed to an artificial satellite, which is a man-made object in orbit.

What is any object in space that circles around another object?

An object in space that circles around another object is called a satellite. Satellites can be natural, such as moons orbiting planets, or artificial, like man-made spacecraft orbiting Earth.

What is the largest man made satellite orbiting earth?

The International Space Station (ISS).

What is the largest satellite in the world?

The largest satellite in the world is the International Space Station (ISS). It is a space station that serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in low Earth orbit.