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Q: What is a large ocean wave caused by gravity of the sun and moon called?
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The rising and falling of the ocean surface caused by the moon's pullof gravity is what?

The rising and falling of the ocean surface caused by the moon's pull of gravity is called tides. Tidal patterns occur as the moon orbits the Earth, creating gravitational forces that result in the water bulging towards the moon and on the opposite side. This phenomenon leads to high and low tides at different points along the Earth's coastlines.

What type of currents are caused by the moon's gravity?

Tidal currents are primarily caused by the gravitational pull of the moon on Earth's oceans. These currents result in the rising and falling of ocean water levels, creating high and low tides along coastlines.

Do tsunamis occur due to the moon?

No, the moon does not cause tsunamis. The so called 'tidal wave' is not related to the tides at all. A tsunami is an ocean wave caused by an earthquake under the ocean floor. The large movement of the plates creates a huge water displacement that results in the creation of a very large wave.

Is the surface of the sea is not level due to the tide?

There are a few things that cause the ocean surface not to be level. The small-scale variation or waves is caused by wind. The ocean level in various areas is also affected by wind patterns, ocean currents, variations in Earth's gravity, and the tides.

What other substance on earth does the gravity of the moon have the greatest pull on?

The gravity of the moon has the greatest pull on Earth itself due to their close proximity and large mass. However, the moon's gravity also affects the oceans, causing tides to rise and fall as the moon orbits Earth.

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What is a large wave created by an earthquake on the ocean floor?

A tsunami is an ocean wave caused by an earthquake.It is not a tidal wave.

What is the large body affects the ocean's tides?

The moon's pull on gravity affects the ocean's tides.

What is a wall of water caused by an earthquake called?

A wall of water caused by an earthquake is called a tsunami. Tsunamis are large ocean waves generated by seismic activity such as underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

What is a wave caused by a sudden shift in the ocean floor called?

A wave caused by a sudden shift in the ocean floor is called a tsunami.

What is a large wave caused by earthquake on the ocean floor?


What causes tsunami and earthquakes in Japan?

Earthquakes in Japan are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the ocean floor which can be triggered by earthquakes.

What causes a wave in the ocean?

There are a lot of answers to that. Things fall in the water, boats, sealife, the wind, underwater volcanic activity, earthquakes. But I would think the moon would be the biggest cause, since its gravity makes the tides pull the ocean.

What are large roughly circular ocean c urrents called?

Large, roughly circular ocean currents are called gyres.

What is the movement of ocean water that is caused by the uneven heating and density of the ocean water?

It is called an ocean current

What is the rising she falling off the ocean surface caused by the moon pull off gravity?

Gravity and the pull of the moon are the same thing. The pull of the moon is caused by the moons' gravity.

What caused circulations in deep water?

The movement of deep water in the ocean basins is by density driven forces and gravity.