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Fog, or if it isn't too thick then you would probably call it mist.

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Anais Greenfelder

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Q: What is a cloud is on ground called?
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When a tornado has not touched the ground yet what is it called?

When a tornado has not touched the ground yet, it is called a funnel cloud. A funnel cloud is a rotating cone-shaped cloud descending from the base of a thunderstorm but not reaching the ground. Once it touches the ground, it is classified as a tornado.

When the tip of the funnel cloud touches the ground it becomes a?

tornado clouds

What is an electrical discharge between parts of cloud or a cloud and the ground is called?

That's called 'lightning'.

What is cloud called when on the ground?

Fog, or mist.

What is an electrical discharge between parts of a cloud or between a cloud and the ground called?

That's called 'lightning'.

What is a stratus cloud called when it touches the ground?

When a stratus cloud touches the ground, it is called fog. Fog is essentially a type of low-lying cloud that forms when the air near the ground cools and reaches its dew point, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets.

What is a ground-level cloud?

Ground level clouds are usually called fog

What is a cloud that forms near the ground called?


When moisture falls to the ground from cloud what is it called?

It is rain.

What is a funnel-shaped cloud called?

A funnel-shaped cloud is called a tornado. It is a violent rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of causing significant damage and are associated with severe weather events.

The reflectivity of a surface such as the ground or a cloud is known as what?

it is called albedo

Does lighting come from the ground?

There are 3 main places lightening can travel from. The ground to a cloud, a cloud to a cloud, and the cloud to the ground.