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Q: What is a Reusable space vehicle for astronauts?
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What type of space vehicle is reusable?

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket, and NASA's Space Shuttle are examples of reusable space vehicles. These vehicles are designed to be used for multiple missions, reducing the cost of space travel by landing and being refurbished for future launches.

What is the only reusable space vehicle?

While they flew, the space shuttles were the only reusable space vehicle. Even they no longer fly.

What is a reusable spacecraft that transports astronauts and other materials?

space shuttle

What makes the space shuttle such a complex piece of machinery?

The Space Shuttle was the first and only reusable manned vehicle to date, could land on a runway, haul astronauts and cargo at the same time, and service and construct space stations.

How did the space shuttle different from earlier spacecraft?

The space shuttle was reusable, unlike earlier spacecraft, which were mostly single-use. It could carry a larger crew and cargo capacity, and had the ability to land on a runway like an airplane. Additionally, the space shuttle had the capability to perform a wider range of missions, from satellite deployment to space station construction.

What country developed the first reusable space vehicle.?

united states

What country developed first reusable space vehicle?

united states

This country developed the first reusable space vehicle?

The United States developed the first reusable space vehicle, the Space Shuttle, in the 1980s. It was a revolutionary spacecraft that could carry astronauts and cargo into space and return to Earth to be used again for future missions.

What are people called that operate a space vehicle?


Do astronauts launch in a decade?

No. They launch in a space vehicle.

Why is the space shuttle an important advance in space travel?

It's important to have and utilize the space shuttle in order for astronauts to have an opportunity to observe events in space and make appropriate preparations to investigate and report results. As far as advances go, it represents man's first reusable launch and re-entry vehicle.

What is a 9 letter word for astronauts vehicle?

space ship