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the thermosphere is 520 km. thick

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Samuel Hagood

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2mo ago

The thermosphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere that lies above the mesosphere and below the exosphere. It is characterized by very high temperatures reaching up to 2500°C due to absorbed solar radiation. The thermosphere is where the International Space Station orbits and where auroras occur due to interactions with solar winds.

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Related questions

What is the other name for thermosphere?

The other name for the thermosphere is the heterosphere.

Is the moon in the thermosphere?

No, the moon is not in the thermosphere. The moon is located in the vacuum of space, beyond Earth's atmosphere and atmospheric layers like the thermosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere is the ISS in?

the layer is the thermosphere THERMOSPHERE IS THE ANSWER

Who discovered the thermosphere?

Christopher Holt discovered the thermosphere

Which atmospheric level is farthest from the lithosphere?

The exosphere is the atmospheric level that is farthest from the lithosphere. It extends from the top of the thermosphere upwards and gradually transitions into outer space.

What are the layer of the thermosphere?

The two layers of the thermosphere are the Ionosphere and the Exosphere.

What is the altitude of thermosphere?

The altitude of the Thermosphere is from about 50 miles to 310 miles. The Thermosphere is the biggest of all layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

What 2 layers is the thermosphere made of?

The thermosphere is divided into two layers: the lower thermosphere (at about 80-550 km altitude) and the upper thermosphere (above 550 km altitude). The upper thermosphere is where most of the auroras occur due to interactions with solar radiation.

Why is thermosphere called the thermosphere?

the thermosphere gets it's name from it's extrmely high temperature, which cn be above 1,000'c.

Does the ionosphere stretche from the mesosphere through the thermosphere?

NO the ionosphere is only in the Thermosphere

What are characteristics of the Thermosphere?

One is......... The temperature rises as you go up into the Thermosphere.

What does thermosphere have to do with tornadoes?

The thermosphere is a layer of the Earth's atmosphere far above the troposphere where tornadoes occur. Tornadoes are a result of intense thunderstorms in the lower atmosphere and are not influenced by conditions in the thermosphere.