No, the average density of the Sun is much lower than that of iron. The Sun's average density is about 1.4 times that of water, while iron is much denser, with a density about 7.87 times that of water.
Yes, Saturn has a lower average density than water. The average density of Saturn is around 0.69 grams per cubic centimeter, while the density of water is about 1 gram per cubic centimeter. This is primarily due to the large amounts of gases like hydrogen and helium that make up Saturn's composition.
Saturn and Uranus are the two planets in our solar system that have an average density less than that of water. This is mainly due to their composition, which includes lighter elements such as hydrogen and helium.
The average density of the Sun is about 1.41 grams per cubic centimeter. This is much higher than the average density of the Earth because the Sun is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium gases under extreme pressure.
No, the moon is less dense than Earth. The average density of the moon is about 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter, while Earth's average density is around 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.
A material needs a lower density than water to float in water. Ships float in water because their average density is lower than water. The average density includes the steel hull and the air inside the hull.
The density of air in the stratosphere is significantly lower than at lower altitudes due to decreasing temperature with altitude. On average, the density in the stratosphere is about 1/1000th of the density at sea level.
The average density of Titan, Saturn's moon, is about 1.88 g/cm^3. This density is lower than Earth's moon because Titan has a significant atmosphere.
No, the average density of Earth's Moon is about 3.3 g/cm^3, which is much lower than the average density of Earth's core. The core of the Earth is composed of mainly iron and nickel, giving it a much higher average density compared to the Moon.
Saturn's density is so low that it can even float on water, it has the less density in all solar objects.
There average density, probably because they are hollow, is lower than the density of the fluid they are floating on. When this occurs the goats are said to be buoyant.
Saturn is the planet with a lower density than water, causing it to float if there were a large enough body of water for it to be placed in. Its average density is less than that of water due to its composition of mostly hydrogen and helium gases.
No, birds have a very light skeleton which makes their density lower so they can fly. Fish have an air bladder which increases their buoyancy (decreases density) so that fish body density is equal to water density. Fat animals have a lower average density than lean animals. Etc.
Yes, fresh water has a slightly lower density than salt water.
If the average density of an object is less than water (1.0 g per mL) it will float in water, and if it is more than 1.0g/mL it will sink in water. So the lower the density, the greater the buoyancy.
Oil has a lower density than water. Oil is less dense than water, which is why oil floats on top of water.
The density of ice is lower than the density of water.