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Meteorologists use various instruments to predict rain, including weather radar to detect precipitation, satellites to monitor cloud formation, and weather balloons to measure atmospheric conditions. Additionally, weather models that simulate the atmosphere's behavior are also used in conjunction with these instruments to forecast rain.

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Q: What instruments do you use to predict the rain?
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What instruments do scientists use to predict tornadoes?

For long-term outlooks, scientists use computer models to predict the behavior of weather systems. This can predict the general risk for tornadoes across a region, but not wehat specific areas will likely be hit. On the short term, the rotation in a storm that may produce a tornado is detected using Doppler radar. The radar may also detect the tornado itself.

Does the big dippers position predict rain?

No, the position of the Big Dipper in the sky does not predict rain. Weather patterns are determined by a variety of factors such as air pressure, temperature, and humidity. Constellations like the Big Dipper are stationary in the sky and do not have any impact on local weather conditions.

What instrument does Jim use to predict the future?

Jim uses a crystal ball to predict the future.

Which instruments are used to measure weather?

Instruments used to measure weather include thermometers for temperature, barometers for air pressure, anemometers for wind speed, hygrometers for humidity, and rain gauges for precipitation. Additional instruments such as weather balloons and satellites are also used to gather data on various weather conditions.

What instrument do they use to predict a tornado?

Doppler radar is used to predict tornadoes when they're already occurring.But aside from that tornado predictions are very uncertain and difficult to make. The durations of tornado warnings are counted in minutes and even then there are many false alarms.

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How do you write a sentence using the word predict?

"I predict, that, this is proper use of the word predict"

What other instruments might an amateur meteorologist use to help predict weather conditions?

they use satellites and barometers and thermometers

What is a sentence with the word predict?

We predict there will be rain later.The computer will help predict the path of the hurricane.The psychic could not predict that his show would be postponed.

What tools do scientist use to predict?

They use include satellites, rain gauges, Airborne Lasers and Weather Radars

What other instruments might an amateur meteorologist to help predict weather conditions?

they use satellites and barometers and thermometers

What other instruments might an amateur meteorologist use to help predict the weather?

anemometer to measure the wind speed

What device is used to predict rain?

A barometer is commonly used to predict rain, as it measures changes in air pressure that can indicate approaching weather systems. Other tools such as radar, satellites, and weather balloons are also used by meteorologists to predict rain.

Sentence for predict?

Amy said "I predict rain all over the stae."

What two instruments should you use when you want to study the climate of an area?

Thermometer and rain gauge

What would you predict when a warm air mass runs into a cold air mass?

I predict rain.

What are four instruments people use to tell the weather and what they measure?

thermometer barometer weather vane rain gauge

What instrument are used to predict floods?

Instruments such as rain gauges, stream gauges, and weather radars are commonly used to predict floods. These instruments help monitor and measure rainfall, water levels in rivers and streams, and weather conditions that can cause flooding. Advanced technologies like hydrological models and satellite data are also used for flood prediction.