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The end of fusion. With nothing left to convert, the star's remains collapse inward on themselves. The tremendous heat and pressure caused by this rapidly creates all natural elements heavier than iron, and releases the most immense amount of energy in heat and light known in the universe. Much of the elements created are blown off into interstellar space, and the collapsed remains become a neutron star, the densest object in the universe, unless it was an exceptionally large star to begin with, then the remains become a Black Hole.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

When a star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core and is unable to support itself against gravity through fusion reactions, it collapses under its own weight, which triggers a rapid chain of events leading to a supernova explosion. This collapse and subsequent rebound result in a shockwave that causes the outer layers of the star to be expelled into space, creating a supernova.

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Q: What incident in a star's life sets off the very quick chain of events that leads to a supernova explosion?
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