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3d ago

If a solid object is taken from Earth into space, it would experience several changes. It would become weightless due to the absence of gravity, and its temperature may fluctuate significantly depending on its exposure to the sun. Additionally, without Earth's atmosphere to protect it, the object may be subjected to higher levels of radiation in space.

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Q: What if a solid object was taken from earth what things would change about it?
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Yes, the mass of a solid in grams would be the same on Earth, as mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. However, the weight of the object would be different on Earth compared to other celestial bodies, as weight is the force of gravity acting on an object's mass.

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A solid object like an ice cube can be liquid. How you ask? you can just heat it up! to change a liquid object back to a solid, you just freeze it!

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Atoms are in a solid but as in particles it depends on the object.

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the state change is from liquid to solid and the energy change is cold energy to heat energy

Is called when an object goes from solid to liquid?

It is a change of state called melting.

Whate are 3 examples of a physical change?

moving an object, deforming an object (by cutting, etc), separating or combining things to make a mixture, a change of state (water to ice, etc).something that can be changed from a solid (ice) to a liquid (water) so that means if you need to about physical than just think to yourself solid to liquid easy simple to remember.