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Angular momentum holds up the moon.

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3mo ago

The moon is held in orbit around Earth by gravity. The gravitational force between the Earth and the moon keeps it from drifting off into space.

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One moon joke would be: What holds the moon up? Answer: Moonbeams.

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What holds the moon up in the sky?

The moon is held in orbit around the Earth by gravity. The gravitational force between the Earth and the moon keeps it in place and prevents it from drifting away into space.

What holds the moon?

The moon maintains its orbit due to the balance between the earth's gravity and the moon's inertia.

What holds a moon in orbit?

The gravity of its planet.

What makes moon revolve?

the earths gravity holds the moon so it orbits the earth.

What is the centripetal force holding the moon into Earth?

The force that holds the moon in place is gravity. Without gravity, there wouldn't be a moon.

Who holds Wesak?

Buddhists. It is celebrated on the full moon in May.

How do you get to the Earth's Moon?

to get to the earths moon you use a space rocket, that holds trained passengers that steer and engineer the flight all the way to the moon.

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Where a planet or moon has an atmosphere, it is the gravity of the moon or planet that holds the atmosphere on the planet or moon.

What holds the moon to the earth?

I'm pretty sure it's gravity.

Is gravity the force that holds the moon in orbit around the earth?
