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The balloon will crash. The burner keeps it up.

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Q: What happens if the air balloon burner was turned off?
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What happens to a hot air balloon when the burner is turned off?

When the burner is turned off, the air inside the hot air balloon starts to cool down. As the air cools, the balloon loses lift and begins to slowly descend back to the ground. Without the burner heating the air inside the balloon, it will eventually land.

If you were to turn on the burner on in the hot air balloon what effect would it have on the air in the balloon?

Turning on the burner in a hot air balloon heats the air inside the balloon, reducing its density. This decrease in density causes the balloon to become lighter than the surrounding air, which helps it to rise. The heated air adds buoyancy, allowing the balloon to ascend.

What powers a hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon is powered by burning propane in the burner, which heats the air inside the balloon envelope. As the air inside the balloon heats up, it becomes less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to rise. The pilot can control the altitude by adjusting the burner intensity to heat the air more or less.

What gas do we fill in hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are filled with hot air from a propane burner in the basket. Hot air rises. So provided the cooling air in the balloon is topped up from short blasts from the burner, the balloon will rise off the ground.

Why a hot air balloon rises up when it lights its burner?

When the burner is activated, it heats the air inside the balloon, making it less dense than the surrounding cooler air. Because hot air is lighter than cool air, the balloon will rise as it becomes buoyant. This happens because the hot air inside the balloon creates a pressure difference, causing the balloon to move upwards.

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What happens to a hot air balloon when the burner is turned off?

When the burner is turned off, the air inside the hot air balloon starts to cool down. As the air cools, the balloon loses lift and begins to slowly descend back to the ground. Without the burner heating the air inside the balloon, it will eventually land.

What happens to the air particles inside a hot air balloon when the burner is turned off?

When the burner is turned off, the air inside the hot air balloon cools down. As the air cools, it becomes denser and the balloon will start to descend due to the decrease in buoyancy. The pilot may need to use the burner again to maintain altitude or control the descent.

What happens to the air particles inside a hot air balloon when the burner is turned on?

When the burner is turned on, it heats the air inside the balloon. The heated air particles become less dense and lighter, causing the balloon to become buoyant and rise. This process creates lift, allowing the balloon to ascend.

If you were to turn on the burner on in the hot air balloon what effect would it have on the air in the balloon?

Turning on the burner in a hot air balloon heats the air inside the balloon, reducing its density. This decrease in density causes the balloon to become lighter than the surrounding air, which helps it to rise. The heated air adds buoyancy, allowing the balloon to ascend.

When the balloon is up in the air the burner is turned off and the balloon drifts along with the wind What will eventually happen to the air inside the balloon?

As the balloon cools down, the air inside will also cool. This will cause the air pressure inside the balloon to decrease, potentially leading to the balloon descending back to the ground due to the decreased pressure.

What is the importance of the burner in a hot air balloon?

If the burner fails or runs out of fuel, the hot air in the balloon (that gives it lift) would cool and the balloon would come down to earth.

What powers a hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon is powered by burning propane in the burner, which heats the air inside the balloon envelope. As the air inside the balloon heats up, it becomes less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to rise. The pilot can control the altitude by adjusting the burner intensity to heat the air more or less.

How does a hot air balloon and what happens to the particles?

A hot air balloon rises because the air inside the balloon is heated by a burner, making it less dense than the surrounding cooler air. This temperature difference creates buoyancy, causing the balloon to float upwards. As the air inside the balloon cools down, the particles lose energy and the balloon begins to descend.

What happens to particles inside hot air balloons when the heater is turned on?

When the heater is turned on inside a hot air balloon, the air inside the balloon gets heated, causing the particles to move faster and spread apart. This lowers the density of the air inside the balloon, making it lighter than the surrounding cooler air, which allows the balloon to rise.

Why a hot air balloon rises up when it lights its burner?

When the burner is activated, it heats the air inside the balloon, making it less dense than the surrounding cooler air. Because hot air is lighter than cool air, the balloon will rise as it becomes buoyant. This happens because the hot air inside the balloon creates a pressure difference, causing the balloon to move upwards.

What gas do we fill in hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are filled with hot air from a propane burner in the basket. Hot air rises. So provided the cooling air in the balloon is topped up from short blasts from the burner, the balloon will rise off the ground.

What is the fire inside a hot air balloon called?

The fire inside a hot air balloon is typically fueled by propane and is called a burner. The burner heats the air inside the balloon envelope, causing it to become less dense than the surrounding air and lift the balloon off the ground.