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The core of a star contracts under the force of its own gravity. This contraction increases the temperature in the core.

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During the third stage, a star expands and becomes a red giant as it runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core. The core contracts and heats up, causing the outer layers to expand. Eventually, the star will shed its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, leaving behind a dense core called a white dwarf.

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Q: What happens during the third stage of a stars life cycle as the star uses up all of its hydrogen?
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During which stage do stars produce energy from the fusion of hydrogen into helium?

Stars produce energy from the fusion of hydrogen into helium during the main sequence stage of their life cycle. This is when a star is stable and balanced, and the fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core generates the energy that makes the star shine.

Which life cycle stage are stars stable and why?

Stars are most stable during the main sequence stage of their life cycle. During this stage, stars maintain a balance between the inward force of gravity and the outward force of nuclear fusion in their cores. This equilibrium allows them to burn hydrogen efficiently and emit a steady amount of energy.

The third stage in the life cycle of a star?

The third stage in the life cycle of a star is the main sequence stage, where a star fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. During this stage, stars like our Sun are stable and shine steadily due to the balance between gravitational forces pulling inward and nuclear fusion pushing outward. This stage can last for billions of years, depending on the mass of the star.

Which of the following steps in a star's life cycle takes the longest?

The longest stage in a star's life cycle is the main sequence stage, where the star fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. This stage can last for billions of years for stars like the Sun.

What star stage is your sun in?

Our sun is currently in the main sequence stage, where it is primarily converting hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion in its core. This stage is characterized by a stable energy output and has been ongoing for about 4.6 billion years.

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It uses up most of the hydrogen it started with.

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During evaporation liquid water is transformed in vapors (gaseous water).

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During the evaporation stage, the level of water cycle falls. But after precipitation it rises once again.

What is your sun stage in?

Our Sun is in the hydrogen fusion cycle of an average, mid-size, main sequence star. I have no idea what state YOUR Sun happens to be in.

What is the name for the portion of a star's life cycle when it uses hydrogen for fuel?

The portion of a star's life cycle when it uses hydrogen for fuel is called the main sequence stage. During this stage, the star fuses hydrogen to form helium in its core, releasing energy in the process. This is the longest and most stable stage in a star's life.