

What happens as a tornado forms?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Most tornadoes originate for a vortex called a mesocyclone, a rotating updraft found in some thunderstorms, particularly supercells. A downdraft from the rear portion of the thunderstorm wrap around the mesocyclone, causing it to tighten and stretch toward the ground. In the process it intensifies. When this tighter circulation reaches the ground it becomes a tornado. At this point air can no longer flow into it from below, causing the pressure inside to drop, causing the winds in the newly formed tornado to intensify.

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A tornado is called a waterspout anywhere that it forms on water.

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A tornado on water is called a waterspout.

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No. It is the spinning air that forms a tornado.

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Does the air pressure change inside the tornado?

Yes the pressure drops as the tornado forms and progresses. The tornado's lowest pressure is in the center.

Why does a tornado move up instead of down?

Air in a tornado moves up because the tornado forms in the updraft portion of a thunderstorm.

What a tornado looks like?

A waterspout it a tornado that forms on a body of water. It looks like a land formed tornado but on a smaller scale.