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Q: What hangs from a ceiling of a cave- a stalactite or stalagmite?
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Does a stalagmite or stalactite hang from the ceiling in a cave?

It's a stalactite that hangs from the ceiling.

Structure that goes all the way from the cave's ceiling to the floor?

A stalactite is a structure that hangs from the ceiling of a cave and is formed by minerals dripping down, while a stalagmite is a structure that rises from the floor of a cave and is formed by minerals deposited from drips falling from the stalactite. When a stalactite and a stalagmite eventually meet and grow together, they form a column.

A stalagmite or a stalactite Which hangs?

A stalactite hangs from the ceiling of a cave, formed by mineral deposits dripping down over time. On the other hand, a stalagmite grows from the floor of a cave, formed by mineral deposits building up from the ground.

What one hangs from the ceiling a stalagmite or a stalactite?

stalagmites are on the ground, stalactites are on the ceiling.( there was a rhyme for it but I forgot) :) +++ Try "c for ceiling, g for ground". I think the rhyme you mean is something like, "Stalagmites might reach the roof, stalactites hang on tight"!

What is a cone-shaped deposit that rises from floor of a cave?

It is called a stalaGMite. StalaCTites hang from the top. Memory key: the C in stalactite means Ceiling - and G in stalagmite means ground.

What A cone shaped deposit that rises from the floor of a cave is know as a?

Cone shaped deposits that rise from the floor of a cave are called Stalagmites. This is easy to remember as it contains a letter 'G' as does ground. While a Stalactite, which hangs down from a cave ceiling, contains a letter 'C.'

What is the icicle-shaped rock formation on a cave ceiling?

stalactite.... the one that formed below it is called stalagmite...

What is the difference between a stalacite and a stalagmite?

A stalactite hangs from the ceiling of a cave, formed by mineral deposits dripping down; a stalagmite rises from the floor, formed by mineral deposits building up from the ground. Together, they can eventually meet to form a column.

When stalactite meets a stalagmite?


When a stalactite and stalagmite meet?


Which cave formation points up from the bottom of the cave?

Stalagmite. The opposite, growing down from the roof, is a stalactite. (G for ground, C for ceiling!)

What feature is produced when a stalagmite and stalagtite meet?

When a stalagmite and a stalactite meet, they form a column or pillar. This occurs when a stalactite hanging from the ceiling and a stalagmite growing up from the floor merge together over time, creating a solid structure in a cave.