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Gravity is the force responsible for pulling particles within a nebula together. As particles within the nebula are attracted to each other by gravity, they gradually collapse and become more compact, eventually leading to the formation of stars and planets.

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Q: What force is responsible for the nebula to come together?
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Do nebula's die?

Yes, Nebula's die. They die when they get to close to Black Holes.

How does a nebula developes into a solar system?

A nebula develops into a solar system through the process of gravitational collapse. As the nebula contracts due to gravity, it starts to spin and flatten into a spinning disk. Within this disk, the material begins to clump together and form planetesimals, which eventually coalesce to form planets, moons, and other objects in the solar system.

A group of stars gases and dust?

This describes a nebula, which is a vast cloud of gas and dust in space where stars are born. The gases and dust within a nebula are the raw materials that eventually come together under gravity to form new stars.

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Which Nebula? Astronomically speaking, no it does not. In our lifetime, we will not come anywhere near to a nebula. If your thinking of the Andromeda Galaxy then - well expect galactic fireworks - but not for about 3 billion years. [See related question]

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A nebula begins the process of becoming a protostar when the nebula?

begins to collapse under its own gravity due to a disturbance, such as a shockwave from a nearby supernova. As the nebula collapses, it heats up and the particles within it start to come together, initiating the formation of a protostar.

What is the difference between a nebula and a protostar?

A nebula is a vast cloud of gas and dust in space, while a protostar is a dense region within a nebula where gravity causes material to come together and heat up, eventually leading to the formation of a star. In essence, a protostar is a stage in the formation process of a star within a nebula.

What is the force responsible for accretion?

Gravity is the force responsible for accretion, which is the process by which matter accumulates to form larger celestial bodies, such as stars and planets. The gravitational attraction between particles causes them to come together and coalesce into a more massive object.

Which is not caused by gravitational force?

Two atoms come together to form a molecule.

What is the force that causes material to be drawn together?

The force that causes materials to be drawn together is typically referred to as adhesion force. This force is the attraction between two different materials that causes them to stick together when they come into contact. Adhesion force is influenced by factors such as surface roughness, chemistry, and contact area.

Where does musa come from on winx club?

Musa comes from the Harmonic Nebula.