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Q: What factor is not used to determine a star's apparent magnitude?
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How does apparent magnitude of a star differ from absolute magnitude?

Apparent magnitude is the brightness as observed from earth, while absolute magnitude is the brightness of a star at a set distance. The apparent magnitude considers the stars actual brightness as well as it's distance from us, but absolute magnitude takes the distance factor out so that star brightnesses can be directly compared.

Why is the absolute magnitude of some stars greatar than their apparent magnitude?

The question is: Why is the apparent magnitude of some stars less than their absolute magnitude. Or: Why do some stars not look as bright as they really are ? The answer is: Because they're so far away from us.

What is a stars apparent magnitude?

An apparent magnitude is a measure of how bright a star appears from Earth. The lower the apparent magnitude, the brighter the star appears in the night sky. Negative values indicate very bright stars, while positive values indicate fainter stars.

What is Saiph's apparent magnitude?

Saiph, a star in the constellation of Orion, has an apparent magnitude of around 2.09. It is one of the brighter stars in the constellation and can be seen with the naked eye.

Does Rigel have greater apparent magnitude than Sirius?

No, Sirius has a greater apparent magnitude than Rigel. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky, with an apparent magnitude of -1.46, while Rigel has an apparent magnitude of 0.12.

What is the unit for apparent brightness?

The apparent brightness of stars is called "apparent magnitude", and it is written with a lowercase "m" after the number.

What is the standard unit for apparent brightness?

The apparent brightness of stars is called "apparent magnitude", and it is written with a lowercase "m" after the number.

What is the actual amount of light a star gives off?

It is actually absolute magnitude, opposed to apparent magnitude which is how much light stars appear to give off.

What stars are visible from earth?

a star with apparent magnitude of 6 or less, the lesser the magnitude the brighter the star

What is alnilam's apparent magnitude?

Alnilam, the middle star in Orion's Belt, has an apparent magnitude of about 1.70, making it one of the brightest stars in the constellation of Orion.

What is the stars in a Leo?

Here is some information on three of Leo's stars - The three brightest stars in Leo the Lion are : Alpha Leonis or Regulus (the Lion's heart) with an apparent magnitude of 1.35, Beta Leonis or Denebola (the Lion's tail) with an apparent magnitude of 2.14 and Gamma Leonis or Algieba (where the Lion's mane meets his body) with an apparent magnitude of 1.98

Why is absolute magnitude of some stars greater than their apparent magnitude for stars?

The apparent magnitude is what we see, and this can be measured directly. The absolute magnitude must be calculated, mainly on the basis of (1) the apparent magnitude, and (2) the star's distance. So, to calculate the absolute magnitude, you must first know the star's distance.