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cause they said so. haha science homework.

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the way this wasn't funny in the slightest
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Experiments by Leslie Orgel and Stanley Miller, who worked on the building blocks of RNA and DNA, and experiments exploring deep-sea hydrothermal vents, which mimic conditions believed to be present on early Earth, have contributed to hypotheses about how life arose. Additionally, research on the RNA world hypothesis, which suggests that RNA may have been the precursor to early life, has provided insights into the origins of life on Earth.

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Q: What experiments in addition to Miller and Urey's helped scientists hypothesize about how life arose on earth?
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What did the miller-urey experiment do?

The Miller-Urey experiment simulated the conditions of early Earth by creating a mixture of gases, such as ammonia, methane, and water vapor, in a closed apparatus and applying energy in the form of electricity. This resulted in the formation of various organic molecules, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. The experiment provided evidence that the building blocks of life could have formed spontaneously on Earth.

Who invented the astronaut suit?

The astronaut suit was developed by a team of scientists and engineers at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States. The space suit went through several iterations and improvements before reaching its current design, which provides protection for astronauts during space missions.

What is the name of the Miller High Life girl in the moon?

The Miller High Life girl in the moon is known as "The Girl in the Moon." This iconic image has been part of the beer brand's logo and advertising for decades.

How do we know that in miller's experiment the gases really existed on early earth?

In Miller's experiment, the gases used (methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen) were chosen based on scientific understanding of the early Earth's atmosphere derived from geological evidence and the presence of these gases on other planets or celestial bodies. While we cannot directly confirm the composition of Earth's early atmosphere, these gases represent plausible components based on scientific hypotheses.

Does Derek Jupiter actually sing on I'm in the band?

Yes, Derek Jupiter is portrayed by actor Logan Miller who does his own singing on the show "I'm in the Band."

Related questions

What experiments in addition to miller and Urey's helped scientists hypothesis about how life arose on earth?

Experiments by Sidney Fox in the 1960s showed that simple molecules could form amino acids under conditions similar to those on early Earth. Additionally, studies on deep-sea hydrothermal vents have suggested that these environments could have provided the necessary conditions for the formation of organic molecules and the origins of life.

Miller and urey's experiments attempted to demostrate?

Miller and Urey's experiments attempted to demonstrate the chemical origins of life. They first conducted the experiment in the year 1953.

Which gases were conducted in urey and miller experiments?

1. Miller and Urey's organic experiments suggested how mixtures of the organic compounds necessary for life could have arisen from simpler compounds present on a primitive earth haha i found this in our textbook, miller levines textbook :PP

What has the author D A B Miller written?

D. A. B. Miller has written: 'Quantum mechanics for scientists and engineers'

Why are the Miller-Urey experiments essential to the theory of evolution?

The Miller-Urey experiments provided support for the hypothesis that the complex molecules necessary for life could arise from simpler compounds present on early Earth. This is important for understanding how life could have potentially originated through chemical processes on the planet.

Does Glenn Miller play the piano?

No. Today he's probably playing a heavenly harp in addition to his trombone. Miller died in 1944.

What did miller and urey's experiments attempted to demonstrate?

The origin of life.

What scientists have worked on the theory of emergence?

There have been many scientists that have worked on the theory of emergence over the years. Emergence theory has been written about by scientists such as Julian Huxley and John Stuart Miller.

Who are the two scientists who studied the abiotic creation of organic molecules?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey

In miller and urey's experiments with the origin of life-forms electric sparks were passed through a mixture of gases to?

through simulate lightning

What molecules were the end products in miller and urey's experimetns?

The end products in Miller and Urey's experiments were various organic compounds, such as amino acids, sugars, and lipids. These molecules are building blocks of life and were synthesized in the experimental setup that simulated early Earth's conditions.

What did Stanley miller and Harold urey create in 1953?

An elaborate hoax. Disproved by scientists over time, but still clung to by many.