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Q: What evidence is there that this gravity also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?
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When is gravity strongest?

Gravity is strongest near very massive objects, such as planets and stars. The strength of gravity also depends on the distance between two objects; the closer they are, the stronger the gravitational force.

How is the distance between the centers of two objects related to the size of the pull of gravity between them?

The closer the distance, the greater the pull of gravity between them.

If two planets have the same mass but different diameters Which planet has the stronger gravity at its surface?

The planet with the smaller diameter will have stronger gravity at its surface because gravity is dependent on the mass of the planet and the distance from its center. Having a smaller diameter means that you are closer to the center, resulting in stronger gravitational pull.

Is there a relationship between the distance a planet is from the sun and its surface gravity?

Yes, there is a relationship between a planet's distance from the sun and its surface gravity. The closer a planet is to the sun, the stronger the gravitational pull from the sun, which can affect the planet's own gravity. However, other factors, such as a planet's mass and composition, also play a significant role in determining its surface gravity.

Why does the Moon generate larger tidal forces than the Sun?

Even though the Sun is much more massive than the Moon, the Moon is much closer. The force of gravity between two objects is not only determined by the masses of those objects but the distance between them. Because the Moon is so much closer, the effects of its gravity on tidal forces is greater.

Related questions

What evidence is there that the gravitational pull also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?

the objects fall to the ground

What evidence is there that this force also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?

Objects in free fall experience the same acceleration regardless of their mass, indicating that gravity affects all objects equally. Additionally, the weight of an object decreases as it moves away from Earth's surface, suggesting a gravitational force that weakens with distance. Finally, observations of celestial bodies orbiting Earth or falling towards it further support the idea that gravity interacts with objects at all distances from Earth's surface.

Why do falling objects accelerate as they came closer to the ground?

Falling objects accelerate as they come closer to the ground due to the force of gravity acting on them. Gravity pulls the object downward, causing an increase in its velocity as it falls. The acceleration is a result of the continuous increase in the object's speed as it moves towards the Earth's surface.

What happens to force of gravity when the distance between two objects decreases?

As the distance between two objects decreases (i.e. they get closer together), the force of gravity increases.

What describes Earth's gravity?

Earth's gravity is a force that pulls objects towards its center. It gives weight to objects and keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth. The strength of Earth's gravity decreases with distance from its center.

What two things control the force of gravity between two objects?

The masses of the objects and the distance between them determines the force of gravity between them. The more massive and closer together they are, the greater the force of gravity.

What does the force of gravity between two objects depends on?

The force of gravity between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. The greater the mass of the objects and the closer they are, the stronger the force of gravity between them.

Is it true that the force exerted by gravity is stronger if two objects are closer?

Yes it is because because hte closer they are the greater the force.

When is the gravity between two objects greater?

When their masses are greater, and when their centers of mass are closer together.

Why do objects that are underwater look closer then they actually are?

Objects underwater appear closer than they actually are due to the refraction of light. Light bends as it passes from water to air, making objects underwater appear closer to the surface than they really are.

Amount of gravity is a result of what?

The amount of gravity in a particular location is a result of the mass of the objects present and their distance from each other. The greater the mass of the objects and the closer they are, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

How is the distance between the centers of two objects related to the size of the pull of gravity between them?

The closer the distance, the greater the pull of gravity between them.