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Q: What event in the 1950s made eisenhower create NASA and late Kennedy to move lots funds into the space race?
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Can a tornadoes climate effect a superstorm?

No. First of all, a tornado does not create a climate. Climate is the egneral trend of weather over the course of long periods of time; at least several decades. A tornado is a short live weather event. Second, a tornado is a small scale event and does not affect large scale systems.

What major event in moon exploration happened in 1961?

In 1961, the Soviet Union achieved the major milestone of sending the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space aboard Vostok 1, making him the first person to orbit the Earth. This event marked a significant advancement in space exploration and ignited the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What was the importance of Sputnik to American society in the 1950s?

Sputnik was the first artificial satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957, sparking fears of Soviet technological superiority in the US. This event led to a renewed focus on science education, research, and the space race between the US and the Soviet Union. Sputnik's launch ultimately spurred the creation of NASA and the development of various space exploration programs.

The material that falls back to the moon surface after the impact blast is?

called ejecta. Ejecta consists of debris, rocks, and dust that are expelled during an impact event on the moon's surface. It can create craters and contribute to the lunar regolith.

What can a super giant star exsplode as?

A super giant star can explode in a spectacular event called a supernova. During a supernova, the star releases an immense amount of energy and blasts its outer layers into space. This explosion can also create heavy elements through nuclear fusion.