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Roberta Bondar used various equipment in space, including a space suit for extravehicular activities, a camera to document her observations, and research tools to conduct experiments in microgravity. She also used specialized exercise equipment to maintain physical health during her time in space.

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Q: What equipment Roberta Bondar use in space?
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What equipment do astronauts use in space?

Astronauts use a variety of specialized equipment in space, such as spacesuits for extravehicular activities, helmets for protection, communication systems for staying in touch with mission control, and tools to carry out experiments or repairs on the spacecraft. They also have access to exercise equipment to maintain their physical health and well-being while in microgravity.

What equipment does NASA use?

NASA uses a wide range of equipment for space exploration, including spacecraft such as the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station, telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope, robotic rovers like Curiosity on Mars, and various scientific instruments for studying space and celestial bodies. They also use specialized suits for astronauts, communication systems, and ground-based facilities for mission control and research.

How does the space shuttle send tools into space?

The space shuttle carries tools and equipment in its cargo bay during missions. Astronauts can use airlocks or robotic arms to transfer tools from the shuttle to the International Space Station or for use during spacewalks.

What can you bring to space?

Items that can be brought to space include food, water, clothing, tools, scientific equipment, and personal hygiene products. Advanced planning and engineering are required to ensure that objects are safe for use in the unique conditions of space.

Can you do pull ups in space?

No, pull-ups cannot be performed in the traditional sense in space because there is no gravity to pull against. Astronauts on the International Space Station use specially designed resistive exercise equipment to maintain muscle and bone strength in microgravity environments.

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Who is in roberta bondar's family?

well she has no family here mother died here dad is in war she use to have a bother but she killed hem only because he toke the last cookie and i know she is wired.

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Astronauts use space shuttles( trasport people and equipment), Space probes (robotic exploration, Spacecrafts (trasport crew, equipment, and other technologies)

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Astronauts use space shuttles( trasport people and equipment), Space probes (robotic exploration, Spacecrafts (trasport crew, equipment, and other technologies)

Give you a sentence with sample space in it please?

A sample space was set up to demonstrate the use of the equipment.

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What equipment do astronauts use in space?

Astronauts use a variety of specialized equipment in space, such as spacesuits for extravehicular activities, helmets for protection, communication systems for staying in touch with mission control, and tools to carry out experiments or repairs on the spacecraft. They also have access to exercise equipment to maintain their physical health and well-being while in microgravity.

What is the best aerobic exercise equipment you have for the best price?

The best aerobic equipment is a pair of running shoes, you can use them anywhere, they don't take up much space and they use no electricity.

Are people allowed to live in space?

The way the law works they are .The only difficulty lays in legally accessing the equipment and licences needed to use the equipment to get there. no

What are three aspects of spacethat are different from earth and require astronauts to use special equipment when outside the space shuttle or space station?

oxygen suit

What equipment do astronauts use when they go to Mars?

Astronaut uses their space probe,space station,telescope,spectroscope,and computers to get information,and images of Mars.

What has the author Roberta Jewell written?

Roberta Jewell has written: 'My way out' -- subject(s): Alcoholics, Biography, Hypnotism, Rehabilitation, Therapeutic use