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The solid rocket boosters are jettisoned as their fuel runs out. Their fall is slowed by parachutes and they are later recovered and returned to the Kennedy Space Center for refurbishing and reuse on later missions.

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Solid rocket boosters are jettisoned and parachuted into the ocean after the space shuttle takes off. They are recovered and refurbished for reuse on future missions.

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Q: What drops off and are parachuted into the ocean after the space shuttle takes off?
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When the space shuttle lands into the ocean what does it do before it lands?

The Space Shuttle doesn't land in the ocean it lands on a runaway.

What ocean was the challenger space shuttle found in?

Atlantic Ocean

When did space shuttles stop landing in the ocean?

The space shuttles stopped landing in the ocean in 1981. In response to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, which occurred in 1986, all subsequent shuttle missions landed on the runway at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

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He returned to Earth in a space capsule that parachuted into the ocean, the capsule was then quickly recovered by the US Navy.

Where did the space shuttle Challenger take off?

The space shuttle Challenger took off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

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The space shuttle Challenger launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On its final launch, it was torn apart 73 seconds later over the Atlantic Ocean.

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No, the space shuttle is not designed to float. It would sink in the water due to its weight and lack of buoyancy. Special recovery vessels are used to retrieve the shuttle after it lands in the ocean.

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The Apollo capsule landed by parachute in the ocean. The shuttle lands like an airplane.

What space shuttle exploded on the 1986 and tell the date?

The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28,1986. It disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean killing all seven Crew members.

How does a space shuttle launch into outer space?

The space shuttle is launched into Outer Space by having it attached to the rocket that launches up as well as the space shuttle and gradually the rocket falls apart and lands in the Pacific ocean. It often lands there. The space shuttle then continues its mission alone.

What part of the shuttle drops off after takeoff on a space shuttle?

The Solid Rocket Booster is detached and dropped after the first minute or two of flight. It may then be recovered and used again.

Can a space shuttle land in the ocean?

Can it land in the ocean... well, yes, but not without probably killing all the occupants and breaking up. It's designed to land on a (very long) landing strip and not on water. There's talk that the space shuttle replacement may be designed to land on water.