The name Aurora means dawn.
1946; M means a thousand in roman numerals, C means one hundred, X means 10, L means 50, V means 5 and I means 1. Therefore MCMXLVI = (1000-100+1000-10+50+5+1), as a smaller number preceding a larger number means taking away.
The boy's name that means "watcher" is Nathan. Nathan is of Hebrew origin and it means "he gave".
''Aurora'' means Dawn and ''Borealis'' means North. So basically Aurora borealis means ''Dawn of north''.
'Lunar' means of, or pertaining to, the moon.
The duration of The Love of Sunya is 1.3 hours.
The Love of Sunya was created on 1927-03-11.
Sunya Swarupa - 1997 is rated/received certificates of: India:U
The symbol "Sunya" is also known as the number zero or 0. It signifies the absence of any numeric value or quantity.
Pushya Masam is considered as Sunya Masam because it is not suitable for marriages. Pushya Masam is the 10th month.
The cast of Sunya Swarupa - 1997 includes: Jaya Bikash Das Houdhury Jayaprakash Das Surya Mohanty Aparajita Mohanty Sarat Pujari
cmon on sunya
Hindus invented zero. They called it sunya, the great silence.
The cast of The Love of Sunya - 1927 includes: John Boles as Paul Judson Florence Fair as Rita Ashling Pauline Garon as Anna Hagan Raymond Hackett as Kenneth Ashling Forrest Huff Ian Keith as Louis Anthony Ivan Lebedeff as Ted Morgan Hugh Miller as The Outcast John Miltern as Asa Ashling Anders Randolf as Robert Goring Robert Schable as Henri Picard Gloria Swanson as Sunya Ashling
"Zero" comes from the Italian 'Zero', which most likely comes from the Latin, 'Zephirum', which probably comes from the Arabic, "Sifr" (Cipher), which most likely is a translation of the Sanskrit, "Sunya-m", or "Empty place . . . Desert, Nothingness".
Firoz Chowdhury has: Performed in "Bilambita Lay" in 1970. Performed in "Rater Rajanigandha" in 1973. Performed in "Sunya Theke Suru" in 1993. Performed in "Byatikrami" in 2003. Played Father in "Runway" in 2010.
The company the produces the most plastic buttons for clothing use is Waterbury Button. The company that produces the most metal buttons for clothing use is M&J Trim. Other companies include Sunya and Citic Trim.