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2mo ago

The sun and moon are two celestial bodies in our solar system. They do not mathematically add up to any specific value. It's more symbolic to say that together they represent balance, harmony, and the cyclical nature of life.

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What is the Moon's maximum distance from the sun?

That would be the Earth's distance from the Sun (at aphelion) plus the Earth-Moon distance. The latter is insignificant.

What happens when the sun is between the earth and the moon?

Well, to put it simply, we die. The sun will never be between the Earth and moon. Not ever in our lifetime. Plus the sun would engulf the moon and Earth, destroying it.

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Nothing. More - the sun, Jupiter. Less - the moon, Venus.

How many earth days equal one moon?

The Moon rotates with respect to the Sun in approximately 29.5 days. This is called the "synodic period",

The sun is very big compared to the moon?

Yes, the sun is much larger than the moon. The sun has a diameter about 400 times greater than the moon, and it is also significantly heavier. This size difference is why the sun appears so much larger and brighter than the moon in the sky.

During a full moon where is the sun?

During a full moon, the Sun is opposite to the Moon, in the sky.During a full moon, the Sun is opposite to the Moon, in the sky.During a full moon, the Sun is opposite to the Moon, in the sky.During a full moon, the Sun is opposite to the Moon, in the sky.

What is the relative size and distance relationships among the sun earth and moon?

The sun is much larger and farther away from Earth compared to the moon. The sun is approximately 93 million miles away from Earth, while the moon is only about 238,855 miles away. The sun's diameter is about 109 times larger than Earth's, while the moon's diameter is about one-quarter of Earth's.

Is the sun and moon rocky?

the moon is but the sun is not

Can the sun destroy all the planets plus the moon?

Possibly, it depends if your eating cheerios at 6:09 A.M.

What happens when the moon passess between the sun an earth?

When the moon passes between the Sun and Earth there is a new moon. In a special case where the Sun and Moon are aligned there is an eclipse of the Sun (the moon blocking view of the Sun).

What is a non example of the sun?

A nonexample of a sun would have to be the moon.