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Q: What does it mean by northern or southern horizon?
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Where is scorpius visible?

Scorpius is a southern hemisphere constellation, so it is best seen from locations in the southern part of the world, such as Australia, South America, and southern Africa. It can be spotted in the night sky during the summer months in the northern hemisphere, low on the southern horizon.

Does the sun rise in the southern hemisphere first?

No. The Sun is always above the horizon somewhere in the Southern hemisphere just as it always is above the horizon somewhere in the Northern hemisphere. About half of each hemisphere is illuminated at every instant (well more of the Southern hemisphere is illuminated from the end of September to the end of March and more of the Northern hemisphere during the other half year).

How long is the day in winter and summer?

The length of a day in winter and summer varies depending on the location and how close it is to the poles. In general, winter days are shorter and summer days are longer. At the North and South Poles, there are periods of total darkness in winter and 24 hours of daylight in summer.

Can you see the north star from the southern hemisphere?

No, the North Star (Polaris) is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere, and cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere. Instead, the Southern Hemisphere has its own celestial pole, which is marked by the Southern Cross constellation.

How far south can you see the big dipper?

The Big Dipper can typically be seen in the northern sky and is circumpolar, meaning it doesn't dip below the horizon for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. However, in the Southern Hemisphere, the Big Dipper is not visible from most locations as it remains closer to the northern celestial pole.

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Is the sun below the northern horizon or the southern horizon at midnight in the Northern Hemisphere?

The sun is below the northern horizon at midnight in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Circumpolar stars can be seen all night long during the entire year because they are?

Always above the horizon at your latitude. In the northern hemisphere this will be the northern horizon and the reverse for the southern hemisphere.

What is the distance form northern Africa to Southern Africa?

It depends by what you mean "northern" Africa and "southern" Africa to be.

What is northern horizon?

The northern horizon refers to the line where the sky meets the earth in the northern direction. It is the boundary between the sky and the terrestrial landscape when looking towards the north. Observing the northern horizon can be useful for navigation and astronomy purposes.

Is Sidney northern or southern hatmisphier?

if you mean Sidney Australia it is int he southern hemisphere

Is the sun below the northern horizon or the southern horizon at midnight at the December solstice at 5 degrees north?

At 5 degrees latitude, either north or south, the sun sets on every night of the year. So it seems to me that at midnight, it must be below the horizon in EVERY direction.

Is the big dipper up the horizon or below the horizon?

In the northern hemisphere it is above the horizon or we wouldn't see it.

In the tropics at night time - when is the sun directly below the Northern Horizon at midnight and when is it directly below the Southern Horizon at midnight?

If you're in the tropics (the area between 23.5N and 23.5S latitude) then you'd need to know what date it is, and your precise latitude, to know whether the Sun was closer to the northern horizon or the southern one. In the tropics, the difference won't be very large. You can calculate this, of course. You'll need to look up the declination of the Sun for the date, and compare this to your own latitude.

What two hemispheres are separated by the equator?

The equator separates the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

Where is scorpius visible?

Scorpius is a southern hemisphere constellation, so it is best seen from locations in the southern part of the world, such as Australia, South America, and southern Africa. It can be spotted in the night sky during the summer months in the northern hemisphere, low on the southern horizon.

What does the Thermopylae mean?

It is a mountain pass leading from northern to southern Greece.