

Best Answer

50 ft of nylon rope

2 .45 caliber pistols

self-inflating raft

ten gallons of water

first aid kit

solar powered FM receiver-transmitter

stellar map

3 100 lb tanks of oxygen

solar-powered portable heating unit

food concentrate


one case of dehydrated milk

magnetic compass

signal flares

Here are 18 things you need

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Lyric Wintheiser

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Q: What do you need to survive on the moon?
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Need what to survive on the moon?

You will need oxygen , food and water and a radio.

What tools would you need to survive on the moon?

gusted on

What things do you need to survive on the moon and why?

yahoo knows !

What does the moon need to SURVIVIE?

The moon doesn't survive, it's not alive. It's like asking 'what does a rock need to survive?' To continue in existence, the moon must not be hit by another large object in space.

What is the Most important thing you need to survive on moon?


What will happen if there were no moon?

We will survive! All we need is sunlight, plants for oxygen!

What you need to survive on the moon?

You would need oxygen as there is none there and you would need food. If you are stuck on the moon then those are the important items. You will need water. You need lots of rope

What is a lunar settlement?

a lunar settlement is a model of a settlement that shows the things humans will need to survive on the moon if they live there. if they live on the moon, they will need things to survive. first, they will need water and food. second, they will need a storage place to keep their food in.

What would an alien have to do to survive on the moon?

it would need oxegyn tanks ,its water surplus,and its food...............if it eats.

What do you need for the moon to survive?

To survive on the moon, you would need a spacesuit to protect you from the vacuum of space, extreme temperatures, and micrometeoroids. You would also need a habitat with life support systems to provide air, water, and food. Power sources, communication equipment, and transportation vehicles would also be essential for survival.

What is a horse's environment it needs to survive?

they can only survive on the moon

Why can't animals survive on the moon?

Because there is no atmosphere in the moon.